Chapter 50

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I rocked my baby back and fourth and everyone just drooled over him. He looked so cute in his little Gucci outfit. He had black slacks, a black button up with a red bow tie and some red Gucci loafers on. He was matching me perfectly. I had on my black romper, and black open toe red bottom heels on.

Oh my god Queen you and Micah made a beautiful baby! This one girl said smiling ear to ear turning around as we got close to the stage.

Thank you! I said smiling. We where lined up to walk across the stage. At first I felt like I had a heavy heart knowing that no one was here for me and I had no family. But long as I had my son with me that's literally all the famiky I needed, cause I was doing this for him! He put the fire under my ass to do everything I had to do to make sure I was graduating on time. I won 6 awards today and I was graduating high school with a regents diploma. I loved this for me! For us! I may not have any family but I was gone be all the family my baby needed.

I looked back and I could see Halo all over Micah smiling and giggling. Machi and Heaven as well. Halo's dad who had their daughter in his arms took pictures of them all.

Queen Dae! My principal called my name snapping me to reality! I turned my head forward and walked up the stairs holding my baby with tears in my eyes as I cross the stage.

I'm proud of you! He said smiling from ear to ear hugging me.

Thank you! I said shaking his hand. We posed for the picture. I got my diploma and  finished walking across the stage. So many people was clapping and cheering for me out of respect that I did it with and for my son.

I took my seat and felt my phone buz. I looked down and it was a text from Yonna.

~Yonna Bear🦄💜~
"I got here literally just in time I know you heard me screaming 😂😂😂😂 I can come get the baby if you want!"

"Girl yes I heard your big mouth! Lmao it's okay it's almost over!" I texted back.

Micah crossed the stage and the whole room cheered followed by Machi! I clapped for him cause he was my guy I was proud of him. Halo and Heaven was next and a few more people.

This has been a remarkable class! I hope all of you learn from the experience and try your best today, tomorrow, and the next day! Follow your heart and use your mind! Students you may now turn your tassel to the left! (We did as so!) I GIVE YOU THE GRADUATING CLASS OF 2021!!!!!

We threw our caps into the air celebrating our journeys! I couldn't be more proud of this moment.

Mommy did it baby! I said in excitement as my son smiled up at me. I wiped my tears and kissed his cheek. "I did it!" I was so proud of myself!

I got up and found Yonna her and her man was here! She gave me some balloons and flowers.

These ain't the same flowers I gave you yesterday is it! I laughed.

Bitch no! She said bussing out laughing.

Congrats sis I'm proud of you! Kaysean sajd hugging me.

Thank you bro! Thanks y'all for being here for me!

Of course baby we family now! Yonna said smiling.

Congratulations!!!!! Majesty, Micah sister said coming over to me giving me a hug and a card.

Thank you! I smiled.

I heard you guys are moving to New York is that true?

Yeah! We are actually leaving tomorrow!

Oh my god what? I haven't gotten really any time to spend with my nephew! What?

Well I mean it was no secret I been saying I was leaving for years now. Even your mom knew.!

I know she told me plenty of times I wanted to reach out to get him a few times but I was busy. You guys should stay a Lil longer.

Yeahhhh no.....only cause I have things already mapped and planned out and set up out there so no I'm good! You are more than welcome to come to New York and visit. I don't wanna keep him from y'all side of the family but I will be bluntly honest with you I'm not reaching out to y'all or sending y'all pictures or anything. The only one who acknowledged my baby was y'all mom and I loved the relationship she built with him. I'm sure your probably clueless to what's going on with your brother me and his son but just cause he doesn't wanna be a dad to him doesn't mean you can't be an aunt! Take care Majesty and sorry for your loss once again! I said with a smile before walking away. The love be so fuckin fake bro on god. My baby been around for so long and not once did she ever really reach out besides when he was born really to see him or text or call and ask how he was not saying it's her responsibility but don't sit up there and say oh I haven't spent time with my nephew when you literally never had put any effort into doing so. People just be wanting to have something to say!

Where we going to celebrate dinner at? I am starving! Yonna said laughing as we walked away.

Let's go to Shaes! I suggested.

They got some good as food! Kaysean said holding the door open for us. We took a few pictures in front of the graduation poster and Micah walked right past me looking at me while Machi stopped to speak.

I'm proud of you keep flourishing sis let me know when y'all make it to New York love you Lil man! Y'all be safe! He said smiling before walking away and hugging Heaven happily. Machi was pretty cool. He always texted a few times here and there asking about Ja'Kari and to send him pics!

As we got to my car I seen a huge bouquet of roses on my windshield. "Congratulations Grad!" The card read.

Who those from? Yonna asked smiling taking the baby from my hands.

I don't know it didn't say! I said with a smile smelling them. They was so beautiful. I looked around the parking lot but it was just people from the graduation around nothing out of the ordinary.

I got in the car and made sure my baby was okay before pulling off. I can't believe I was officially a billionaire, high school graduate, home owner, mother, and soon to be college student! I feel like I could take on the world.

When I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant I sat for a minute waiting for Yonna and Kaysean to pull up. I opened my card from Majesty.

"Dear Daughter lol

I just wanna say I'm so proud of you and how you made sure you was never going to be another statistic. Your son is going to look up to you forever because of that. My son is so lucky to have you in his life I wish you well in your journey to your new life in New York! I can't wait to visit my grandson soon!

      Here's a graduation present from mama Magic and Popa Martavion!"

I read wiping my tears. Mrs Jackson was the sweetest lady I ever knew. I loved her so much and hated that she was gone. She was like a mom to me and I'm glad my son has two Guardian angels! I flipped the paper over and it was a check for 5 million dollars. My eyes widen even more.

When you talk about rich make sure you but the Jackson name in front of it. This lady has been throwing me money since the beginning. I was caught off guard that very first time but damn. They say blessings don't come when you want them to but when you need them, when god want them to!

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