Chapter 2

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I couldn't even sleep as I layed down. My mind was every where and my heart was heavy. I got up and grabbed my phone. It was going on 11pm. I slipped my crocs on and grabbed a hoodie.

Where you going? My mom asked as I passed through the kitchen.

Can I ask you something ma?

Anything baby!

What was it like having two kids at once well in your case three?

Well baby at first it was very hard. It was stressful and that was because I had so much going on and I worried about your father 24/7 and if he was going to be in jail or not. Than he came home and it was a smooth pregnancy after we delivered you guys it got a little rocky cause he was working extremely way to much and I needed help with Majesty, and you guys. It was to a point where we didn't talk to each other for almost two weeks. We didn't sleep in the same bed, he wasn't even home. It was like I was a single mom. I was going through the worst depression ever.   Aunty Lani had to come stay a few days with me cause I was a reck. But when me and dad did make up. It was so easy. He helped with literally everything. One baby cry I got one and he got one. He woke up the first half of the night I woke up the other half. We communicated and talked through everything to help everything go smoother.

I'm just worried I won't be able to handle two kids at once.

You will! Plus I'll help you! How is Halo and Queen?

Halo is good. I finished buying everything she want and needs for our daughter. And Queen.....I don't know we don't talk at all. I text her here and there but she doesn't respond. I only ever been to that one doctors appointment with her but you know how that turned out. I still don't know what we having. Or what can I buy or help her with cause she doesn't respond.

Let her come to you! You hurt her feelings really bad Micah. She's just trying to protect her feelings for the rest of her pregnancy. I really like her and I know she has a good head on her shoulders.

Yeah she does and that's what I'm afraid of. She'll be moving right to New York and I won't be able to see my baby and watch him or her grow up.

Life is all about sacrifices. That's why you and her need to get on good terms. Amend y'all problems to come up with a solution cause it's literally not about y'all anymore it's about that baby! And Halo is going to have to accept that wether she likes it or not.

Have you gotten them to sit down and talk yet?

No! Halo threatens me to not say anything to her if I wanna be with her. It's just that I often feel like I chose the wrong one. I know for a fact I wanted to be with Queen but I just couldn't leave Halo alone....and I couldn't tell if Queen wanted to be with me or not.

I'll tell you what I seen how broken that girl was she loved the hell out of you. But that's somebody who knows their worth and refuses to settle for less. I told you she was not one to be played with and that's why she is treating you exactly how she is now.

Yeah I know...I just regret everything I'm just nervous to become a dad.

I know sweetheart but your a Jackson and Jackson's are strong! Your father was a great dad so I know you will be one to.

Do you miss him?

Every single day I wake up! But you know it's okay cause I still have him in you, your brothers and sisters.

I wish he could of been here to meet the babies.

Babies meet their love ones before their born....

How you know?

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