Chapter 98

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Where is your gun? Monster yelled at me as we walked through our bedroom doors.

I switched purses and I fucked up, I didn't think to grab it out.

WHY NOT? This is why I have security compartments made in the cars and shit for shit like this. Your gun is like your fuckin cell phone. You had that didn't you?! How YOU wanted to learn how to shoot in case you was with me and you wanted to learn how to protect me and have my back. I taught you, you learned from the best! You know damn well you suppose to have that gun on you 24/7. I don't give a fuck if you was going to the grocery store. You ain't have No knife, No taser just nothing. You lucky as fuck that nigga Mac was around the way. Your not leaving this fuckin house unless you have security! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR! He yelled so loud his veins was popping out his forehead. "I said do I fuckin make myself clear?" He yelled even louder. I nodded my head in agreement.

I wiped my tears and got up to go into my closet. He paced back and fourth for a while than I heard a huge slam and I'm guessing it was our door. I took my stuff off and went to go get in my shower. I felt nasty and dirty. I bit the side of my lip to stop me from crying even more. I washed my hair getting the blood out from the cut they caused. I had a scrape across my face from hitting the ground. I felt ugly as hell.

I finally got out the shower and dried off than put on some pajamas before just getting in the bed. I cradled the covers as silent tears fell from my eyes. I never felt so embarrassed and hurt before in my life.

You woke? I heard Monster voice ask softly. I looked at the clock on my side of the bed and it was 3am. I never fell asleep. My eyes was just fixed on the rain that dropped upon the window across from me.

I know you not sleep! I heard you sniffling before I even came in here. He said as he walked over to my side of the bed. He sat beside me and turned the lamp on. My eyes was so red and puffy from crying. I still had tears in my eyes. He reached over to me and whipped my tears that had fallen.

I'm sorry! I had no sympathy for you instead I was worried about you having a gun and everything else. I asked you was you okay once. And I'm wrong for how I came off to you. (He took a deep breath and sighed) Queen I would of lost my fuckin mind if something was to happen to you. The shit just keep running through my fuckin mind like it won't stop and I'm fuckin losing it right now. (He started crying.) I need for you to be okay, I love you!

I sat up and pulled him to me he broke down crying holding me tight. I let my silent tears out with him. Today just brought back so many memories. I was really scared for my life!

I woke up to the shower water in and Monster being in the shower. I got up and went to the bathroom, than washed my face and brushed my teeth. I didn't really wanna get out the bed honestly.

I made my way downstairs to get my babies breakfast ready because they'll be up soon. I made me a cup of coffee and sat at the island looking into the backyard.

GoodMorning! Monster said as he came into the kitchen kissing my cheek. He was fully dressed in a white button up, gray dress pants, and some white and black Alexander McQueens.


I got your security set up mace and tasers in your purses your gun is on the dresser don't forget it.

Where you going?

Business.! You Ight?


Master Stevenson, Madam! You have a visitor. William our Butler said walking into the kitchen.

Thanks Will! Monster grabbing his coffee mug off the counter.

Hey GoodMorning fam! The guy from last night spoke coming into the kitchen.

What up Mac! Monster said slapping him up. "You two haven't formally met yet!" He added in. Mac extended his hand to shake mine and I did.

It's a pleasure to meet you Queen, I'm Macon but everybody calls me Mac! I've heard a lot about you. I'm glad my boy finally found somebody to make him happy thank you he needs that!

The feelings is mutual believe me. But I can't say the same about two are?

This my main man! He was locked up for a while just got out last week. Monster said interrupting.

And believe meeeee all this nigga did was talk about you. Even before y'all got married! Which I'm still mad at by the way, I'd love to have been there man marriage is a beautiful thing.

Yeah it is, especially when you found the right one. I have to say thank you for everything last night.

Man it ain't nun, I was just so happened to be driving by and seen 3 men attacking a woman I would of stopped even if it was a regular lady black, white, whatever but. We gotta protect our black Queens out here.!

That's true, it's nice to finally meet you. Don't be a stranger!

I won't now you know me, we like family. He smiled. "You got that for me dawg?"

Yeah it's in the car I'll meet you out there!

Ight, you have a great day Mrs Stevenson! He smiled and I waved by.

Why you never told me about him? I asked really wanting to know.

Slipped my mind Nigga been in prison so long....

Oh that's the one you use to be on your jail calls with?

Yeah, but that nigga ain't gone be around to much he  just got  to many lose screws and that's the nicest way I can put it. He said as he loaded the clip in his gun, cocked it back and put one in the head.

Don't wait up for me tonight Ight! He said grabbing his cup in one hand and hun in the other. He came over and kissed me. "I love you, I'll see you later?!"

Love you to! I mumbled as he walked away. I was just a bit annoyed at the fact that he was always doing business. I need you for a minute. But I guess this is how life is when you marry a boss.

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