Chapter 68

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After a while of driving it wasn't no around the corner shit. I thought we was going back to the hotel but we wasn't. Than I thought maybe we was going home and we damn sure wasn't. The driver pulled up to the airport and we got out the car.

Queen had this goofy ass look on her face. She always had some shit up her sleeve today I see.

Bae where is we going! I said shaking my head laughing.

Come on! You'll see. She said walking to the plane. The driver brought bags from the trunk and walked them over to the plane.

Hi I'm Captain Jones and I'll be flying you guys to Paris tonight! He said smiling shaking my hand. I looked at Queen like is this a joke and she bussed out laughing.

Dude stop playing! I laughed.

This is not a joke sir! We are about to head to Paris France. The Captain said moving to the side so we could get into the plane. I was completely and I mean completely shocked. I took a seat by the window and Queen came and sat next to me. She kicked her heels off and put her house shoes on. And the flight attendant brought her a blanket and pillow and asked me did I want one. I told her yeah and grabbed my phone cause I felt a buzz come through it.

"I hope you had a wonderful birthday and enjoyed and got everything you wished for! I hope this next year brings you all the positivity and love you want and desire to have. I love you Ja'Kari!"

The message shocked me as I read it I don't know who it was. I clicked out of the messages and put my phone up. I felt around in my pocket to make sure I still had that box.

I'm tired wake me up when we get there! Queen giggled reclining her chair back and putting the covers over her to get comfortable. My baby was drunk ass fuck. I pushed the hair out her face and she fell asleep fast ass hell. I asked the flight attendants for some water so she can have some when she woke up.

Today really was a great day and tomorrow was about to be even better.


I woke up as the plane was landing. It was 7am! I was so excited. I looked over at Monster and he smiled at me pushing the hair out my face and lifting my chin up to kiss me.

I love you!

I love you to baby! I grabbed the bottle of water I'm guessing was for me and sat up to stretch. My body was tired as all hell!

You ready? He asked getting up. I knodded my head yeah. I was starving.

The sun rise was so beautiful out here as we stepped off the plane. I said "thank you" to both attendants and the Pilot before we got in the car.

I made breakfast reservations! Monster said putting the bags into the trunk. I nodded my head and got I. The car. "We going there first before we go to the hotel!" He said getting in next to me.

Okay bae! I pulled out my phone to text Yonna "we made it here!!!!!" I know she probably was still sleep now but at least she will see it when she wakes up.

I looked up and we was at the Eiffel Tower! I looked at Monster and he had this goofy look on his face. "We are having breakfast at the Le Jules Verne" he said laughing getting out. I was shocked because I was told I couldn't get reservations here. We was escorted into the Eiffel Tower and I was amazed at the view the sunset was so beautiful! We was waiting for our table to get set up and us be seated. They gave us complementary mimosas and we decided to go on a walk. The view was so beautiful.

I really enjoyed myself yesterday baby, thank you for everything and even surprising me with this trip here to Paris! Monster said licking his lips.

Your welcome baby! I smiled as he walked behind me. I didn't feel his hand any more as I was walking and I turned around. Monster was down on one knee holding a ring box in his hand. My heart dropped into my ass as he had tears coming down his face. This was not happening right now.

I placed my hands over my mouth in total shock as tears filled my eyes. "I been knowing I wanted to do this for a while but yesterday made me realize that I insure for a fact have found the one for me. I've never had anyone care about me the way you do Queen! I have never had anybody love me unconditionally the way you do! You legally let me adopt your son and gave him my last name. It's only right that I do the same to you. Queen Dae will you please do me the honor of being my wife?" He asked with tears falling from each eye. I nodded my head yes and he pulled me closer to him. He slid this beautiful ring on my hand and got up
And I kissed him. I didn't even realize people was here clapping and recording. I kissed him over and over again. I can't believe this just happened.

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