Chapter 106

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I felt like complete shit. I been sleeping all day. Every time I wake up the other side of the bed isn't touched. But it's been two days I been so out of it. I grabbed my phone and it was 10am. I got up and went to my shower to shower. I was hoping the hotness from the steam could loosen some of the congestion.

I slipped on a pair of Leggins and a sweater so I could go to my doctors appointment Yonna made for me.

Has monster came in the house? I asked Yonna and Dre as we walked to the car.

No I haven't seen him at all. Yonna answered.

Dre? Have you talked to him?

Naw he was suppose to pay me yesterday I ain't heard from him in like 2-3 days.

I grabbed my phone out my purse cause I don't even recall seeing any missed calls on my phone from him.

I tried to call his phone but it was going to voicemail. That was highly unusual. I really wanted him to be at my appointment with me. Yonna pulled up to the doctors office and we went in. I signed in and tried to call him once again.

Still no answer? Yonna asked coming to sit by me.

No! Call off your phone.

Nope it's going to voicemail to. He probably just out doing business.

He would of been called by now, it's been three days he ain't been home or called and let me no nun. I'm not jackin that.!

Mrs. Stevenson! A nurse called out.

Dre call the hospitals, jails, and the morgue! I said getting up.

I got you! Yonna followed me into the back and the nurse led us to an exam room.

Okay hun you can get undress and put this gown on. The doctor will be in to see you shortly. The nurse said handing me a gown. My phone started ringing just as she left out I rushed to my purse to answer it. It was just a scam call.

I undressed feeling sick as fuck and sat on the table. I went to my messages and texted Q and asked him as he talked to Monster. His response was "No!"
This was not like him at all.

A nurse came walking in and she had a cart with her. She wanted to take some of my blood and I needed to give her a piss sample. I couldn't even focus right now. All I could think about was Monster and was he okay.

I went to the bathroom to use it and placed the cup in the cup holder before returning to my room. I felt like complete shit. I hated being sick.

A knock filled the room and the doctor came in. "Hi Mrs Stevenson how are you?!" He asked shaking my hand.

I've been better! I laughed a bit.

You got a cold? You sound sick.


Well let me hurry up and get this exam on so you can get back in bed. What brings you in today?

Well I haven't been feeling well not just because of the cold but I been feeling really nauseous, sleepy, and moody.

So you think your pregnant?

Yes! Well I took a at home pregnancy test and it was negative, but than I seen it the next day and it had a really faint line.

Okay. Did you test again?

No just the one time.

I see. Well lay back here and we gonna check you out. My nurses is gonna run your blood back in the lab. Sometimes the HCG isn't high enough to detect in your urine so we can determine a pregnancy in your blood.

Okay! I layed back on the bed nervous. He listen to my breathing and my lungs than did a stomach exam.

Does that hurt when I put pressure on your lower abdomen?

Just a lil bit.

When's the last time you had a pelvic exam?

Uhhh about 12 months ago. When I first found out about my first child.

Oh okay so you have a child already?

Yes he's five months.

That's the good age. He said with laughter. "So we are going to do a pelvic exam I just wanna check your cervix and we gonna test for any StI's as well.!" He said and the nurse handed him some stuff. "Okay so I just want you to open your legs wide and let them fall to the side of you. You gonna feel a little pressure but that's normal!"

I hated getting pelvic exams especially by males. It made me feel uncomfortable. I told her to request a female doctor. He finally finished up quick.

So I do see some mucus up there. Your cervix is really red indicates that you have to slow down on the sex or not go as deep. But mucus well this white substance does indicate pregnancy sometimes. I'm just gonna stick this ultrasound prob up there it's to determine early pregnancies that a regular ultrasound can't see yet. He slid the prob in me slowly moving it around and it was so tight it did not feel good.

Ohhhhh, ohhhh actually ima use the regular one he laughed. He pulled the prob out and squeezed some gel on my loser stomach. He put the other prop on me and smile. "It's definitely a baby in there!"

I turned my head at the screen quick and almost cried. I was pregnant!

Oh my god that little monster! Yonna said with tears in her eyes making me laugh and cry.

Your measuring at about 8 weeks.! He started to record the heart beat and I bursted into tears. "Which will give you a due date of June 11th."

My heart was in flutters seeing that little baby on that screen. I'm so mad I wasn't about to share this moment with Monster. I wanted him here so bad.

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