Chapter 10

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I put Ja'Kari on his play mat and let him play with some toys on his stomach. I changed Austin's Shirt to a dry one and let him go play. I made my way down to my room and Brooke was helping Monster sit up to take his meds.

You got it MoMo Bear! She squealed in excitement.

MoMo Bear?! I questioned with my hands on my hips.

It's his nickname I use to call him! She said happily.

I told her to stop calling me that dumb shit ima grown ass man! He said rolling his eyes and shaking his head. She pushed his earring try towards him and sat a napkin on his lap.

He could feed his self! I bursted in. Cause why the fuck was she trying to feed him and why was he allowing it! Yeah nah shorty bouta get fired.

I heard a huge bang followed by crying. I ran to my kids and the tv was starting to fall off the wall. I picked my baby up so quick and pulled Austin away from it. I sat them on the couch and went to go fix the tv. I thought this shit had hit one of my babies.

I placed them both in the play area. Ja'Kari in his play pin and Austin in his ball pit. I went back down to the room and this bitch disregarded what I said.

Oh the kids are fine thanks for asking, the tv was falling! I said rolling my eyes. Cause after a few minutes of him not asking I got irritated.

Ma bad baby! They good.

Yup! You handy cap now?

Dude come on don't act like that!

Like what?! Finish eating. Might wanna take a sip of your drink to, you look thirsty as fuck! I said rolling my eyes going into my closet. I had to change into something more comfortable. I had to pee every 10 minutes I was annoyed. I forgot I was pregnant. This had to be a girl I was mad as hell, irritated as fuck, got pissed off and annoyed really easily.

I went back in the rooms with my babies and watched them play around until they got tired enough to fall out and sleep. I was tired as hell to put something was just telling me not to go to sleep. I had to listen to my intuition.

I laid the kids in they beds and went to my room. Monster was laid back in the bed and she was sitting close by him. I felt like something was odd but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Her phone started ringing and she stepped out to take it. I sat on the bed and he punched me to get my attention.

Stop! I said annoyed.

What's the matter?

You to is what's the matter. I didn't get you no nurse to be flirting with my husband.

She is not flirting with me! He laughed.

MoMo Bear?! Yeah okay grow up! I'm not stupid! Y'all had something cool that was before us but don't make a stupid move Ja'Kari and make a move during us.

You think I'm dumb enough to make a move and jeopardize our whole marriage?

The way y'all so buddy buddy! I don't put it past y'all!

Wow that's crazy you don't trust me!

You right I don't! She's pretty as hell and always touching all over you and you let her even in my face! The other day she was so close to you she slapped you in the face with her breast.

What? She did not! He laughed loudly.

Yes she did, keep it up she gone be fired real soon  and you can get ta stepping right with her. Stop trying me old

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