Chapter 109

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This is his room! I smiled showing Shalease, Austin's room. Her eyes widened and she was impressed. She bit the side of her lip like she wanted to say Something.

Mommy! Austin smiled dropping all his toys running to me.

Hi baby! I smiled blowing a kiss into his cheek making him laugh. Shalease face turned sour like she wanted to cry. "Look you know who that is?"

Mama?! He sang smiling jumping into her arms . I smiled widely at her facial expression changing and him not forgetting her.

Told you kids never forget! I smiled. You can stay in here with him or the playroom, or the game room, watch a movie in the theater. It's almost time for his lunch if you wanna feed him.

Yeah sure!

Okay you can follow me to the kitchen! She put Austin down and she followed him out the room. I went across the hall and picked Ja'Kari up so I can feed him. I was gonna try and give him some more baby food. He really liked it.

You have a beautiful home! Shalease said complementing me I was shocked that even came out her mouth.

Thank you.! He's having Dino nuggets and Mac and cheese and fruit for lunch. He sits in his chair right there and watches tv! I said pointing to his chair where I placed his food already and turning on the tv.

I sat Ja'Kari in his high chair on the island and grabbed the baby food and mixed him some strawberry and banana oatmeal together.

I know it's not much but there some extra nuggets and Mac and cheese in the microwave you can have it if you like. I had a chicken Caesar salad  earlier and it's a lot left over if you want some of that. There's drinks in the fridge you can help yourself.

Oh thank you! I'm not really hungry but I'll take a water.

Help yourself it's in the fridge.

Thank you!

You got everything figured out huh?

What you mean?

You got to mommy thing down to a science I could see you really love my son.

He's an amazing little boy and he so smart.

I bet! I'm missing out on so much....I can't wait to teach him his colors and ABC's....

Actually he already knows all his colors, shapes, ABC's and we been working on sight words. He'll be starting school in January.!

They start school at 2? That's early don't you think? Doesn't he have to be potty trained to go?

He's potty trained....and the school he's going to welcome kids that young.

Oh....what does Monster say about all this?

He works with him as well. We teach him together.

It looks like you done everything you could be the real mom....maybe I shouldddd go!

Why? Walk out on him for what? He's your son and no matter what I teach him he's still biologically yours and you should be active in his life. There's nothing wrong with having a bonus mom!

It's just that your so perfect and have everything down pack. House, cars, money, husband, beautiful child, you take care of mine very well! He doesn't need or want for anything what am I good for?

Because even though I'm not his biological mom I can never fill that spot he's going to be lunging for as he gets older. Plus I don't have everything down pack. I just made it unique so I can keep things in order. Trust me it gets crazy around here sometimes.

Yeah right!

It does! Especially with that one he always all over the place. I have to get my security to put baby gates up almost every where cause he's always into something.

I bet!

I never got to thank you....

For what?

For allowing me to love your son. Even before me and Monster got together officially I was already in love with that little boy. Now I can't even imagine my life without him. He's a special one. I told you I never wanted to take your place in his life. I'd love for us to get along so you could be around him more.

Honestly......I'd like that! I didn't give you a chance...I never thought anybody was ever gone be good enough for Monster but I can see he made the right choice.! Thank you for loving him, he's so super damaged and what I put him through ain't make it no better. I gotta lotta love for him so don't hurt him!

I'd never! And I apologize that day in Walmart I was completely out of line....well I take that back I don't apologize for whoopin yo ass I apologize for spitting on you.

Please don't bring that up cause I sworn on everything I loved I was gone fire yo ass up when I seen you!

Okay let's not take it there but I do apologize for it! Thanks for talking to me like an adult!

You know for you to be so young bitch you got a lot of heart and yo ass so mature.!

I had to mature really fast....

I like that for you...for my son, and baby daddy!

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