Chapter 19

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I woke up to a long paragraph on my screen and Ja'Kari was crying, well whining in his sleep. I picked him up and changed him and began to nurse him. My baby was a little over a month old and growing so strong.

I grabbed my phone sliding the unlock button over. I can't even imagine what Micah sent me. I clicked the messages and the paragraph as even longer than what I thought.

"Look Queen I'm not gone hold you or lie to you. I'm not ready to be a father! My head is fucked up and I can't raise my boy like this. I feel like I been going through so much and it's best I just go away for a while and get my shit together! I'm sorry for everything. I should of been a better man for you so this wouldn't of happened. I love you so much and I love my son so much more. Y'all mean a lot to me and that's why I think it's best that I do this. When I get right I promise to be back and fix everything that I missed and messed up. My mom will help out with anything you need. I left you a check for 50,000 dollars. And a check for Prince as well! I don't care what you do with it but just know I am so sorry that I'm putting you threw this! Be great Queen I love y'all!"

I hurried and called his number and it was disconnected. I called his sister and she was half sleep. "Hey I'm sorry to bother you so early but I got this long message from Micah saying he couldn't be a dad right now and he's sorry!"

Oh umm, look me and my family is willing to help you out with whatever you to need.!

I'm fine me and my baby is fine right now. But what I need is for my baby father to be in his life.

Hold on here's my mom! She said quickly.

Hello! She spoke softly. I could tell something was wrong with her by her voice.

Hi Mrs Jackson. I'm not sure what's going on.

I rather speak to you in person. Can I come over?

Yeah! I'm home.

Okay I'll be there shortly. She said before hanging up. Ja'Kari was done nursing so I burped him and sat him in his chair while I made my bed and tidy up around my house and my room.
I got in the shower super quick and got dress. I put on some simple Nike Leggins and a fitted t-shirt and some Nike socks.
I washed my baby up and got him dress in a warm onesie. My baby was sleeping through anything.

A knock filled the house and I got up to go answer the door. Mrs Jackson was here. She gave me a small hug and came in all the way. This lady was always dripped in diamonds and Chanel. She had a few bags with her as well.

Ja'Kari your Glammy is here! She said so excited in a low cute tone. "Can I hold him?" She asked with pleading eyes.

Of course!

Where's your bathroom?

Right around this corner. I said pointing to the other side of the wall. I picked my baby up and she took her jacket off. She went to the bathroom to wash her hands. I placed my baby in her arms and she couldn't help but smile.
"Hi handsome little guy!" She smiled looking at him. He woke right up and started smiling to her voice.
"Hi there baby boy!"

I don't mean to just jump into it but Mrs Jackson what is going on.? Her soft beautiful smile faded away quick.

Micah is having a lot of trouble dealing with things right now. He's a lot like his father and his mental isn't stable. He felt like the best way to cope with what's going on was for him to leave. But Queen he loves this little boy to death.

I'm sure he does that's why he shouldn't walk out on him.

I wouldn't say walked out on him. Look hunny you can't raise a child and have a fucked up mental state of mind. Did he ever tell you what happened with his father?


I lost his father to this similar situation. He was going through something his mind couldn't handle or process and his mental was fucked up really bad. He was drinking to much and had to be checked into a rehab facility......there he was drugged and kilt. Micah is a lot like his father and in order for me to save him he agreed to take some time off and come back when he's ready.

So like how long?
I don't want him missing any of his mile stones.

I don't know baby! But I am here his sisters, and brother are here to help you with anything you need. And I mean anything!

Thank you! I just wished I could of talked to him a bit more.

You will soon! She smiled handing me my baby. I still didn't understand what was going on or why he left. I been going through shit my mental isn't right I'm raising a baby on my own with no knowledge of how to be a mom without a mom but he can just get up and leave.? You work through your problems.

Oh before I forget! These gifts are for you and him. I've been meaning to bring them but I been running my husbands business. And Micah left these for you guys! My number is on here as well. Feel free to contact me day or night! She said with a smile handing me two envelopes. It was something about this lady that just screamed nice and pure. She walked out the door and got into a truck. She had a huge black taho with tinted windows and two security guards with big guns stood by her doors opening them for her as she got in. I know Micah came from money and his dad was some big drug dealer but damn!

I opened the gift bags and they where from Chanel and Gucci. She gifted me two Chanel purses one black and one blue. A Chanel outfit and some Gucci shoes. Ja'Kari had so much from Gucci! His outfits was so cute. She even gifted him the matching Gucci shoes like me. I was in such awe. I grabbed my phone and called Monster cause I Had to tell him about this. I already embraced myself to hear "I told you so!"

Hello! A female voice said answering his phone.

Hello? I questioned confused. "Can I speak to monster?"

Umm this is Monster girlfriend....he's currently in Jail! She said politely.

Oh wow okay. For how long when did he go?

Look I don't know you or who you are I only answered cause I thought you might be his lawyer or something. I can't disclose any of his information out. She said before hanging up. I was in shocked looking at my phone.

I sat my phone down on the coffee table and picked up the envelopes. I opened the first one and it was a check to Prince Ja'Kari Dae for $75,000 dollars. The next envelope had a check in it out to me Queen Dae for 2 million dollars. My mouth dropped as I stared at the paper in front of me. 

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