Chapter 118

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I woke up bussing sweats from having a nightmare. Monster pulled me into his arms and let me cry. For the last three nights I been having nightmares about what I did! He haven't been to sleep in days because he been up watching me all night making sure I'm okay. He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead.

I love that you have a conscious and this will never be the life for you but I need you to take this! I can't keep seeing you like this! He turned on the lights and it was a pill.

What is it? I asked wiping my tears.

It'll help you with this your going's like turning that sentimental part of your brain off...

Nooo! I can control myself I just need some time.

Queen you haven't slept in 3 days! Every time you close your eyes your crying! I understand your hormonal from the pregnancy but this isn't good for neither one of you, you take this you will be okay. It'll where off after a while. You won't be so sentimental to things. Just take it!

Monster I can't!

Baby yes you can! I started taking these when I was 12 after I kilt my mom. They took all my pain receptors away even the emotional ones but once I started getting feelings for you I look at things a lil differently. I haven't felt compassion and love in a very long me on this.

Will it hurt my baby?

No! Y'all will be fine. I took the small pill from his fingers and placed it in my mouth. He gave me a bottle of water and I took a sip.

He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead. He turned the light off and I layed my head on his chest as he rubbed my back.

I started to feel drowsy after a while and my eyes closed heavily.


When I opened my eyes it was 3pm. Monster was leaned against the dresser with his arms folded looking at me.

What's wrong? I asked sitting up.

Nothing, I was just watching you making sure you okay. He said standing straight up and giving me a bottle of water.

I'm fine!

Ight.....I have to go do some business.... I wanted to make sure you was okay.

I nodded my head. "Yeah I'm fine!" He looked worn out and tired. "Baby?"

Yes baby girl? He asked turning around answering me.

You okay?

Yeah....I'll be back later.

Okay, I love you.

I love you to mamas. He said with a slight smile. He walked out the door closing it behind him. I got up and went to the bathroom. Than took a nice long shower. Whatever it is that he gave me last night I felt it. I didn't feel anything like any worries or guilt from what I did to that man. I mean I shouldn't of because he tried to rob me and Monster finished him off. I needed that sleep. My baby did to! I felt him or her starting to move a lot. At first it was just flutters now it's kicks. They wasn't lying when they said the second pregnancy everything goes fast.

I dried off and put some shorts on and a t shirt. I went downstairs where Miss Mary was with my kids. Austin ran to me smiling mommy from ear to ear. I kissed his cheek and hugged him tight. Ja'Kari was laying in his swing chillaxing playing with his feet and eating his hands. My baby was getting so big and growing so fast. If somebody would of told me I'd be a mom and a wife at the age of 18 I'd laugh in they face cause I wouldn't of believed them. I wouldn't trade my life now for anything in this world.

I went to the kitchen to make something yo eat
but Monster had already had my plate made in the microwave. I loved him so much. I never thought I'd find true love like this before. Having somebody who don't play about you is top tier.

I warmed my plate up. It smelt so good! White rice with chopped grilled chicken breast and broccoli with cheese over it and a biscuit on the side. This was a whole meal, I wasn't even gone be hungry for dinner.

I started to eat than My phone started to ring. I answered without paying attention to the caller ID.
"You have a collect call from "I'm Sorry Queen! An inmate at the county jail. To accept this call please press 1." I pressed 1 after hearing Micah's voice. I wanted to know why he was calling me. "I'm sorry the caller has hung up, goodbye!"

I was wondering what he wanted and why he didn't stay on the phone. But than Monster started calling in. I answered. "Yes baby?"

Bae when y'all was in the mall run that back to me exactly. What had happened?

We was leaving out of Sephora and I was ready to go. Dre said he wanted to run into two more stores. I told him my feet hurted and I'll meet him at the car cause I was tired. He said okay he's going into Gucci and another store than he will be at the car. I went into the smoothie shack and got a strawberry banana smoothie then headed to the car. When I got to the door that's when the guy started following me.

When did you start calling Dre? found him?

No! His phone was found in a garbage can outside of Gucci but he never went in. He was walking towards the store when he stopped to use the bathroom but never came out and a person was seen walking in his clothes but it wasn't him.


Yeah! I'm just tryna figure out what's going on.

Keep me updated baby.

I will you feeling Ight?

Yeah! I feel normal again thank you.

Always! What the kids doing?

Nothing watching tv really.

Okay well I'll probably be home soon I'm just tryna piece some shit together Ight I love you!

Okay baby love you to!
I hung up the phone and sat it down and finished my food. I was really worried about Dre that was weird. I almost get robbed and he disappears.

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