Chapter 79

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I parked my car and got out the car heading into this store front I found up in the east cost called A'different Vibe. They had mad cute shit in here and I just wanted some things so I be comfortable.

Hey welcome to A'different Vibe! The cashier smiled greeting me as she was helping the two girls at the check out counter.

I walked over to the wall where the summer stuff was. I seen a bunch of cute outfits. I was so mad at they was out of the blue set and the red set I wanted. It was a note that said "these products are out, for further assistance please visit our website" with a QR code. I took my phone out to scan it and the website popped right up.

Your case is so cute! This girl said to me as she grabbed a white shirt and the white matching shorts.

Thank you! I smiled. It was a picture of me, Kari and the boys.

You Must be Monsters wife? She questioned with a smirk in her face.

I am! I smiled pushing the hair out my face with my left hand so my big ass diamond showed.

Your very lucky to have him! She smiled.

Are you a family friend or something? I questioned.

Yeah something like that, my name is Alissa. I just wanna say thank you for letting him take care of me these past few days.! She said with the biggest smile. "I never felt so secure until he came to rescue me!"

Yeah you know my husband wouldn't be him if he wasn't helping out every charity case he came across, Alissa is it?


It's funny how he didn't mention you that he was helping you out! Considering you guys use to fuck with each other.

Maybe that's why he didn't wanna tell you, he's been being a good boy keeping his hands to his self sometimes.

Well Alissa, I'm it's nice talking to you I'm quiet sure you'll tell my husband I said hello! I said with an evil smile.

I will actually he should be pulling back up to get me any second if you'd like to see him.

Noooo it's fine, I actually have to get back to our kids! I smiled. I sat my items down and took my keys out my purse as I walked to the car. I got in and took a couple deep breaths to hold my composure in. I pulled off headed home. So many wild things was running through my mind right now. I desperately wanted to know what was it about me that guys loved to cheat on me for.

I parked my car in the garage and to my surprise Monster was in here getting ready to pull off on his motorcycle.

Hey baby! He smiled as if he was happy to see me.

Sup! I said giving him a fake smile as I walked past him.

Damn no love you mad at me or something?

Should I be? I questioned as I closed the door to the house behind me. I could hear the motorcycle cut off and the door open up.

Baby? Bae? Queen? I could hear him yelling.

As I got closer to the bedroom I began to strip from all of my clothes until I was naked.

You Ight? He asked coming into the bathroom behind me. I turned around and looked him in his eyes as if I could search for the answers that I needed.

Yup! I said with a fake smile. He leaned in to try to kiss me but I moved away.

What's up? It's been a couple of days since I been gone I thought you'd be happy to see me! I got my homie some new security so I'll be back home tonight.

That's good!

You sure you good?

Yeah just tired.

He tried to lean in to kiss me again but I moved.

What's wrong?

I just told you!

I love you!

I hear you! I smiled and nodded my head. I opened the glass door to our shower and stepped in. He nodded his head and walked out. I was frustrated and mad at myself for trusting a nigga so soon after Micah. I thought Ja'Kari was genuine and all about me. I forced myself not to cry and washed up before getting out. I don't wanna argu or anything I politely went into his closet and began to put all his clothes in boxes and totes so that they will be in the garage. I called a lock smith to get all my locks changed. It's like I should go out and pop on his ass but what's that gonna change? He ain't gone do shit besides run right back to the next bitch house!

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