Chapter 64

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Baby where my motorcycle helmet? Monster asked coming into the kitchen putting his jacket on.

I put it where it belongs! I said getting out my chair and leading him to the garage. I pointed to the wall where I had all his helmets, gloves, and a couple other things. He started his bike and got on it.

Thank you baby! He smiled. "What would I do without you?"

Mmmm nothing! I laughed. He pulled me in closer and kissed me.

When you gone ride with me ?

I told you I only ever rode like once....

Ima teach you!

Let ride yo bike and and we go from there! I laughed. I know his bike was his baby he put so much into and didn't want anybody touching it! He barley wanted a muthafucka to breathe the same air ass it.

Ight now you taking it to far! You can ride this dick though! He smirked pulling my hands in his pants as I was leaned against him.

Oh I already have plans to! Tonight!!! I giggled kissing him. His dick was getting hard and I was getting wet it's just something about seeing him on his bike that turned me on so bad.

If I ain't have to leave I'd tell you come ride this muthafucka right now!

Hey Ms Dae where do you keep the formula for Ja'Kari? Fallon asked interrupting us. "Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting you guys?" She asked with a smirk on her face.'s okay! It's in the kid's pantry. I assured her.

Okay thanks! She giggled.

The damn girl is off! Monster said pulling his helmet  all the way down.

You think so?

Yeah I know these things bae, something ain't right I can feel it!

Okay well we can look around for another nanny and let her go!

Ight we talk about this at a later! Love you give me kiss!

Boy I'll give yo ass a baby! I laughed against his lips as I kissed him.

Don't worry ima put one in you soon! I need my daughter!

Boy whatever I love you I'll see you later! I smiled opening the garage door for him. He hit the clutch on his bike and pulled out before taking off down the driveway. I shook my head and closed the door behind him. Soon as I opened the door to go back in the house Fallon was standing there she scared the fuck out of me.

Sorry I didn't mean to scare you! She laughed.

It's fine!

How much breast milk do I put in? She asked with a weird smile so big it was ear to ear.

Half and half I wrote instructions on the can. I said pointing to the can she had in her hand.

Oh silly me I didn't even see it! She laughed. I have a small smile and she turned to walk away. Okay yeah monster was right she is Weird. I followed behind her to we reached the kitchen and I grabbed my phone off the counter and went to my din and sat at my desk. I logged into my email so I could start to figure some of my schooling out.
They finally sent me my schedule and I had 6 classes. All morning! I was pretty happy with that. I printed my schedule out and logged into the school website so I could start to order my books. I can't believe in a couple more weeks I was about to be a full college student. I was so excited!

But for now I need to be focusing on what I was gonna get, and do for Monsters birthday. Is 24th birthday was coming up and I wanted to do something special for him. He's always had money and just did you know the regular shit travel and go out with his friends and what not but it's like what do you get and do for someone who has literally everything? I know for a fact the one thing I did wanna do which is going to top everything but I wanna get him more. I'll probably throw him a small party or something and take him out the country. I know he's not hard to please but I wanna make this special for him since he's never had it before.

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