Chapter 5

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How is he? I asked Monster as I came back into my room.

He's okay I'm putting him down now. He said as he laid him in the bassinet. Monster was a huge help. We developed a schedule so that way we both could get some sleep.

Thank you so much! You don't know how much this really means to me! I said hugging his waist.

I know! You gone be able to handle it all when I leave.

Yes I should be just fine.

Ight. If it gets overwhelming just call me and I'll be on the first flight back here.

I know! But I should be fine thank you! He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. As much as I didn't want him to leave his stay was coming to an end. He had business to take care of back at home.

I looked up at him and he looked at me. I don't know what was going through my mind and body right now but I do know I was gonna miss this man when he left. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. He was so much taller than me. His height was so perfect. My arms wrapped around his waist as our kiss deepened. I can't believe we was sharing our first kiss ever.

I don't want you to leave! I said shyly against his lips.

I know, I'll be back. He said before kissing me again.

Call me soon as you land?

Of course I will. His bottles are pre made in the warmer and I stocked the changing table up on the night stand so you don't have to go far.

Okay and I wrapped your food up and put it in your carry on with some snacks.

Thank you! Lay down and get some rest I'll call you shortly. Ight! I followed him to the door and he grabbed his bags. Monster stayed a lil over a week. I had Ja'Kari early so that's what made him stay longer. He was a huge help and made my life so much easier.

I'll call you later! He said as I opened the door.

Mmhm! I said biting the side of my lip and he kissed me.

Don't do that Queen ima be back soon as I can okay!

Okay! He leaned down and kissed me again.

Have a safe flight! I said in between kisses.

He put his stuff in the trunk and got in the car and pulled off. I was sad as fuck he left. I closed and locked the door and went back upstairs. Ja'Kari was sleeping so peacefully. My son was really so handsome. I turned the tv down and layed down. I tried to sleep soon as he went to sleep so I wouldn't be so exhausted. All he did was sleep. It's been a week so far but my baby seemed like he was an easy baby.

I grabbed my phone and went to my Instagram messages. Since this muthafucka Micah swear he didn't get my text messages I was gonna message him on Instagram you can't say you ain't see that.
"Do you wanna schedule a DNA test?" I wrote and pressed send. I went back on his page and he post a couple pictures of their daughter. She did not look like Micah but she did look like Machi a bit. I guess that's how DNA works when your a twin having a baby by a twin. He didn't post any pictures of Ja'Kari at all or even shared that he had a son. He hasn't even seen him since the hospital or called or texted and asked about him. I guess I didn't care as much cause Monster was here.

"Nah I don't need one.! When can I see my son?" He asked writing back.

"You can see him whenever I'm not keeping him from you!" "You can come over here any time!"

"Ight ima hit you up!" He said back. I closed out the app and layed down sitting my phone on the charger.

I closed my eyes thinking about the situation I was in.

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