Chapter 7

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What's wrong with her? I asked coming into the emergency room.

She's not eating and really fussy! Halo said panicking. She looked stressed out and extremely tired.

How is she? Heaven asked coming into the room followed by Machi.

We don't know yet! Halo said through her tears. My daughter was sleeping peacefully. It amazed me how much Ja'Kari looked like me and Machia didn't. She kinda looked like Halo.

Owee more people! The nurse smiled coming into the room followed by the doctor.

Yes this is my support system! Halo said wiping her face.

Well mom and dad! We ran some test on little Machia here and the reason why she isn't eating, fussy, and has a temp because she has this blood disorder called anemia. Anemia or known as Anemic is A condition in which the blood doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells.
Anemia results from a lack of red blood cells or dysfunctional red blood cells in the body. This leads to reduced oxygen flow to the body's organs. We are going to run some more test on her. Is there anyone of you suffer from low iron? Or was you a diabetic when you where pregnant?!

Anemia is hereditary so it could of been passed down from one of you. I'd like to run blood samples on you both if you don't mind.

I'm not anemic but my brother is.....I said looking up at Machi.

We will need to do a blood transfusion for her as well. Are you two identical twins?


And you have no Anemic problems?

No not at all!

Wow okay. Well would you be willing to donate your blood?

Yeah anything for my niece!

Okay I'll get the nurse in here and we can get a sample from you. He said before exiting the room.
I looked up and at my brother before looking at Halo.

Please tell me y'all didn't sleep together! Heaven asked pissed off.

Hell no! Machi answered quickly.

Than how the hell does her baby have a disorder that you have? Hereditary? Seriously?!

Baby I didn't not sleep with your sister.

Did y'all or did y'all not have sex?! I asked pissed off!

No we didn't!!!! Halo began to cry.

Explain to me right now cause I swear to god I'm bouta go crazy Halo!

Okay okay! I didn't sleep with him! I was scared that I was gonna lose you to Queen. I took Machi sperm out the condom after him and Heaven was done having sex a few times. But baby I swear Machia is yours! Y'all are twins it's possible it could have just been in your genes baby she is yours!

You sick ass bitch! Heaven yelled slapping the shit out of her sister. Machi grabbed her and she tried to break free to fight her. "You a dirty ass bitch! Fuckin slut! Are you dumb! This is my boyfriend Halo why would you do that?" She screamed through her tears.

You went this hard to keep me from my son and the whole time this is possibly my brothers baby! I was furious right now.

Your dead to me Halo! I swear you are your fuckin dead to me bitch! Heaven yelled. 

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