Chapter 107

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Still haven't heard from him? Yonna asked coming into the house.

No! I got Dre out there looking at all the traps and shit. He said nobody said he hasn't seen him.

This is crazy it's been 5 days now.

Yeah and I'm calling the police!

At this point it's time. He's not in jail, I'm the hospital or in the morgue. I'm mad I don't know my way around this city still!

You and me both!

The door bell started ringing and loud knocking filled the kitchen I made my way to the front door with Yonna behind me. I opened the door and to my surprise it was Mac. He was holding a bunch of white roses. He had a neck patch on and his head wrapped.

May I come in? He asked and I was confused. I remember Monster saying he was leaving with him to go meet some connect a few nights ago. I didn't have his number or new how to reach him. Dre said nobody in the streets seen him. I thought was odd as fuck.

Uhh sure! I said moving to the side.

These are for you! He said giving me the roses. He sounded so sad.

Where is Monster? I asked folding my arms.

That's actually why I'm here....uhh a couple nights ago we went to go meet this connect, things went left and we got into it with them niggas. I got shot and they kilt Monster! I just got out the hospital I wanted to be the one that told you.

What? I was confused and hurt it was like all the wind in my body left. I fell back sitting on the stairs behind me.

Queen? Queen? Yonna yelled my name in my face but it seems like everything just started going slow and my head was spinning.

I got up slowly making my way to the kitchen. I went to go find the biggest knife i had. I felt like my soul left my body. I got immediately filled with anger.

I'm right here! Shh! A male voice said from behind me with his hands around my mouth. I grabbed the knife but he took it out my hands. He turned me around quick and my eyes widened.

I'll explain everything to you later. Go back out there and act hurt put on a fuckin show let him console you. After a while offer him something to drink and come back in here to me do you understand me Queen. Monster said affirmatively to me. He spoke low enough so only I could hear him. I nodded my head and he wiped my tears. "Go!" I moved my feet slowly looking at him. I made my way back into the front and I was in tears.

Can you just explain this to me again I'm just not understanding. I said sitting down on the stairs wiping my tears.

He came and sat next to me. And put his hand on my thigh. "Look he put up a good fight but they shot him 7 times. I tried but I was shot to. Queen if you need anything and I mean anything don't hesitate to call me!" He said as he licked his lip and moved his hand closer up my thighs. I started crying so hard like Monster just told me to do.

Where is his body?

I don't know I got up out of there they probably left him there.

I need some water! I can't breathe. My babies aren't gonna have a father? I just....I just don't understand.

Yeah maybe you should drink some water. Settle down a bit! He said rubbing my back.

I just....I just need a minute. You want some water or anything?

I'll take some...

I got up from the stairs and went into the kitchen wiping my face. Monster came out of the pantry and gave me a glass with some white stuff at the bottom of it. He opened the bottled water and poured it in until it desolved. I took it back out there and gave it to him. I took a few sips of the water from the bottle and he was acting like he was so hurt and sad, but don't drop one tear.

I stood to my feet once I seen he started blinking his eyes. He stood up like he was dizzy.

Diphenhydramine! Is what's in your system! It's gonna make you sleepy and dizzy! Monsters voice said as he walked from the kitchen and down the stairs. Mac look liked he seen a whole ghost. He smirked at him. Mac stumbled a bit and fell to the floor. His eyes was closing and his body went limp. Monster bent down to him at his eye level and stared at him in his eyes.
"I told you that im going to kill you!" He said getting up and punching him in his face so hard he knocked him out unconscious.

Dre, call Q and Ace and tell them come get him. Monster said out of breath having to sit back in the stairs. I caught him and helped him with his balance to help him sit down.

What's going on? He just said you was dead! Yonna said through his tears.

Fuck bae hold on! He moaned catching his breath.

Ja'Kari what's going on?

You was right! Mac lied about getting me this new connect, he wanted to take me out. He shot me 7 times and left me for dead. Him and Ty!

How are you alive right now?

I don't know....all I could remember is blacking in and out. I drove myself to the hospital gathering so much energy to make my way into the car. I coded when I got there. All I remember is hearing your voice and your smell and I just knew I would be okay. I woke up two days later in the hospital. I left the hospital this morning without them knowing. I'm fine I just need to rest.

Let me get you upstairs come on! I helped him stand up and so did Dre getting his other side.

You need to be in a hospital.

I stole some OxyContin before I left. I'll be alright! We laid him in the bed.

He took the meds out his pockets and popped 4 of them. I gave him some water and he laid back.

Dre have them take them to the wear house make sure they keep him alive. Chain his ass up and have one them niggas there watch him.

Ight boss! Dre said nervously than leaving the room.

Im so happy your okay! I thought I was about to lose my mind. I said as I kneeled down to him.

I thought I was a goner! Nothing or nobody in this world is going to take me away from you!

Ja'Kari his words scared the fuck out of me! Im still scared.....

Im going to be fine I promise! I just need a lil
Time to heal.

I'll give you some time if you don't progress or anything I'm taking you to the hospital!

I can agree to that! Just let me rest.

Okay! Im gonna be right here okay! I pulled the covers over him and he closed his eyes. I watched his chest like a hawk I was so scared right now.

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