Chapter 57

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I love you guys so much! I smiled washing Austin face and Ja'Kari face. I washed Ja'Kari up first than Austin up. I took Ja'Kari out the bath first and laid him on his changing pad than Austin. I dried him off and told him to sit on the potty. He went on the potty all day today no mess ups and he even had his big boy draws on. I dried my baby off and lotioned him down before putting a sleeper on him. I laid him in his crib and took Austin across the hall to get ready for bed. I lotioned him down and spit on his monster truck Pajamas on him and helped him into bed. I went back across the hall and grabbed Ja'Kari so I could nurse him and read them a book. I turned the night lights on and his fish tank aquarium.

Okay you ready for your story! I smiled sitting down!

Yes! He smiled laughed and giggled. I put Ja'Kari on the boob and began to read Goodnight Moon!

In the great green room, there was a telephone, and a red ballon. And a picture of the cow jumping over the moon. I looked up and Austin was falling asleep. I got up quietly and kissed his forehead and went across the hall to Ja'Kari room to finish feeding him. He was falling asleep to. After he latched off I burped him and laid him down. I turned the crib heater on in his room and wrapped his heart monitor on his foot. It's crazy how they had so many Gidget and gadgets to help prevent Sid's. I was a nervous wreck about that at night. I kissed his forehead and walked out the room. I went downstairs to finish cleaning everything up.

I was so damn tired I felt sick. I went back upstairs to shower and get myself ready for bed. I heard the door close and instantly got annoyed. I went to go shower and took the longest shower that was so relaxing to me. I got out after a while wrapping myself In a towel and drying off. I walked right past Monster naked as he sat on the bench at the door of the bed taking his shoes off.

You still not talking to me? He asked standing up taking his coat off. I didn't say a word I just went to my closet.

He went to the bathroom to shower and I lotioned down and got in the bed naked. I was tired as hell so I tied my hair up and layed down turning the tv off.

He got out the shower being loud as hell going into the closet and drying off and putting some boxers on. He got in the bed and wrapped his arms around me. I pushed him off of me and he sucked his teeth.

Dude Ight now stop! He said annoyed.

I'm not doing anything! 

You know I can't go to sleep til I bus a nut!

Ain't my problem get yo phone, the bathroom right there.

You dead ass?

As a heart attack! Don't touch me!

He sucked his teeth getting up from the bed and going into the bathroom mad. I started laughing to myself cause he really was horny as hell.

Ima grown ass man fuck i look like beating my dick when i got a whole bitch! turn yo ass over and stop playing with me! He said annoyed coming back out the bathroom. He snatched the covers off of me and grabbed me by my legs so he could eat my pussy!

I'm not fucking you! I moaned knowing damn well I was lying. I loved when he just took it! He was eating my pussy so long and good he knew had fucked up. He stepped out his boxers and started to lay dick on me. I grabbed his face kissing him as he stroked in and out.

Damn I love you bae! He moaned in my ear. "I'm sorry!" He said in between kisses. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he digged deeper fuckin me. I couldn't take it anymore I started to squirt and cum. We was messing the sheets up for sure. I don't even know how we ended up on the floor but I bounced on top of him with my feet on the ground choking him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and fucked me back taking control again. It felt so good to be in his arms like this. He felt so good inside me I was cumming again.

Cum for daddy! With yo pretty ass! He said slowing down stroking deeper. I collapsed on his chest just as he finished. We both was out of breath and tired. I'll sleep with this nigga dick in me is how much I loved it.

I'm sorry baby! He said again kissing my forehead.

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