Chapter 30

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Guess who has a boyfriend! Yonna smiled jumping up and down before taking a seat at the island.

Who you?! Kaesean finally took my advice! I laughed putting my plate on the counter.

Yeah he asked me did I wanna be a family last night!


Yessssss! I feel so relieved like I'm so excited for my baby to have like two parents together like that's always been my dream for my son.

I'm glad for you honestly! Bout did he break up with home girl or what's going on with that?

Honestly I'm not to sure like he said it was over and he wanted me and to be a family with his son he would deal with her later.

Not tryna rain on your parade or anything babe but usually when a guy says something like that it's cause he still want the other one around. Don't let him play you! I like Kaesean for you he's a really good dude has a good head on his shoulders and a great dad but don't let him play you!

He's not! I'm trusting he does the right thing.

I'm trusting he does to, I was in a love triangle and it was the absolute worst thing ever and I would never want that for you Yanna!

I know, and I don't wanna go through that type of hurt!

Just stay solid mama, y'all gone be good.

Have you heard from monster since he just popped up?

I called him the other night for about 5 minutes. And uhh....

Uhhh what?

Nothing really Ja'Kari was just fussy and his tips just seems to work we haven't talked since.

Why not? Y'all need to make some things right with each other!

Naw I'm good! He just got outta jail and I have better things to worry about than him or a relationship with him or anything. Like I literally have a child that I'm absolutely in love with and school! Like school is my biggest priority besides Ja'Kari. I'll be leaving for college soon I'm going to become a teacher and start a whole new life. I don't need nobody messing that up for me and my baby!

Your going to be great Queen! Ja'Kari just don't know how awesome of a mom he has! I wish I had everything figured out like you do.

I don't have everything figured out, I just know I don't want my son to grow up like I had to.

He won't! Have you heard from Micah?

Nope! Not at all.!

That's crazy, we'll at least he has you, your going to be great!

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