Chapter 14

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Can you stop playing so much! I laughed as Micah bumped into me. "Cause if you wanna fight you can just say that!"

Ight ima stop playing! He laughed pushing me away from him. "Ight what about this?!" He asked holding up the Dr. brown baby bottles!"

Is that the one that's like the nipples? He isn't gonna take it unless it resembles a nipple.

I don't know where you see that at?

Right there slowness! I laughed pointing to the label. "These not the right ones!" I smacked them out his hands laughing.

Yeah ight.! Smack one more thing out my hand.

Or what Mr get bad?

You gone see!

Yeah okay! I went to reach for the diapers on the top shelf and I was too short to do so. Micah came over to me and grabbed them standing behind me. I could feel his erection on my ass. I had so much sexual tension built up inside me. My doctor gave me the green light a few days ago that I could start having sex again and my hormones was all over the place. I didn't wanna do anything with Micah cause I was scared and I didn't want anything messing up what we have going on now. I was happy he was trying to be in his son life and I didn't want any confusion so I just crossed my legs tight and thought of something different.

Yo booty got bigger! He asked gripping it making me turn around facing him faster. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt like I couldn't breathe. My sexual urges was coming quick. He picked my chin up and kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

Ja'Kari started crying which broke our kiss. I gave him his pacifier and he stopped. "Okay I think we have everything!" I said pushing the cart.

Not everything! Micah said biting the side of his lip.


I miss you! I miss us! I wanna be a family. I wanna give my son that two parent home.

What you and Halo in a fight or something!? I asked folding my arms. Cause I know he didn't just say that to me.

Nah I just was ready to be with who I truly wanted to be with. I love you and I always loved you! Shit wasn't suppose to go no further with Halo than it did. I got suckered into a relationship with her some way. I felt bad how I treated her which didn't make shit no better cause I treated you wrong too. But I know that was a mistake. And I wanna apologize from the bottom of my heart.

I hear you Micah I really do but I don't think I'm ready for a relationship right now. I mean I love you to I really do and I wanted us to work out for our son but I don't wanna get hurt again and I don't want him to get hurt.

Well can you at least think about changing his last name?

I'll tell you what! You keep being a great father to Ja'Kari than I'll think about it!

Ight I can do that! He agreed and we got to the register. The cashier swiped everything and he paid for it. I digged in my purse and seen my phone lit up. My eyes widened when I see that it was on a call with Monster.

Hello? I questioned putting it to my ear. "Hello?" I asked again before hanging up. It said the duration of the call was for 2 minutes. I don't know how much of that he could of heard if he was on the phone or if it was a voicemail. My heart was beating in my ass right now.

You ready? Micah asked pushing the cart. We got to his car and he put the baby in the backseat. And the bags in the trunk.

He pulled up to my house and I got out. I kissed my baby bye than grabbed the bags.

Ight we see you tomorrow! Micah said smiling. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Yeah yeah yeah hurry up! I laughed going in the house. I took the bags up to Ja'Kari room and put everything away.

I pulled my phone out and started to call Monster but the phone kept going to voicemail. I was so fuckin nervous.

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