Chapter 6

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I laid Ja'Kari in his swing as I went to open the door. Micah was here with a few bags and diapers and wipes. I moved to the side and let him come in.

He sat the stuff down on the couch and went over to Ja'Kari.

Uhun wash your hands first don't touch my baby boy are you crazy?! I questioned him walking past him going into the kitchen. He followed me and washed his hands. I gave him a paper towel and sat and ate my food.

It only took Micah three days to come see his son since I messaged him. I was a bit annoyed with myself for having a baby by somebody like him. I didn't regret my son at all but his Dooner was not worth the headache he brought.

Yo Queen! He called out.

What's up? I asked getting up to go in the living room.

He need changing or anything?

No I just changed him before you got here and he's not do to eat for another hour.

You got a feeding schedule?

Yeah me and Monster came up with it!

Can you not bring that Nigga up?

Why? He's a important person in his life!

Okay I get it the Nigga gone be around but I just think it's mad disrespectful that you keep bringing him up and shit like you really have my baby his name? My son don't have nothing of me.

Micah you literally treated me like I didn't exist to you my whole pregnancy. You didn't even ask about him or did I need help getting anything for him and expect me to still name my son after you? Bro respect of any kind is earned not given. My son don't even know you! He's two weeks old now and your just now seeing him. What don't you understand Micah your wrong?!

I get it I fucked up. I should of been hitting you up making sure you was good and all but you pushed me away.

No I know my worth of not just letting anybody fuck me over. You said you loved me and wanted to be with me but yet you still went to go be with Halo. Just how you went shopping for her baby you could of did the same for my son. They are babies they use the same things.

Dude she was just so fuckin needy and evil. I thought about you so much I often didn't know what to do cause I did love you and I still do. And I know we can't be nun cause you got a man now.

He's not my man! But what does he have to do with you taking care of your son?

A lot Queen. You got him playing daddy to my kid my son gone be confused as hell!

No he isn't Micah if you step up and be a father he'll know who his dad is. I never ever not once ever told you that you couldn't see your son or help take care of him you literally chose to do all that on your own.

I didn't realize what I was doing and I'm sorry. Can we start over?

No! I'm over you I just want you to have a relationship with your son. We can work some schedule out. What days and times you wanna come over and see him.

So we can't work on us? Soon as he asked that question his phone started ringing. He answered it and I could hear Halo screaming to the top of her lungs. "My daughter isn't feeling well and your playing house with a bitch and a baby" she yelled.

Dude calm the fuck down I can see my fuckin son the world doesn't revolve around you! He yelled into his phone. The yelling made Ja'Kari jump out his sleep scaring him. "Bitch is you stupid?" He yelled again and he started crying. I picked my baby up to sooty him his little lip quivered in fear. "I can post my son if I want to, it's my fuckin son! Yo you really on some other shit!" He yelled again.

I never knew grown people can be jealous of a baby.! I got pregnant before Halo did and I think it's crazy how far she's willing to argu and go with him over a baby. I hate to say it but our children our siblings and she's such a fuckin child. The hate she have for my son she will never meet him or be around him.

I gotta go! I'm sorry. I'll try to come over tomorrow or something.

What? Don't try Micah do! Like what the fuck! If your gonna be so super inconsistent I rather you not be in my baby life at all!

Nooooo! It's not like that Queen I'm gonna be in my son life I swear. I gotta get better on this time management shit and I promise you ima be here for him.

Whatever! I opened the door for him to leave. I was so annoyed.

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