Chapter 93

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Honduras was so beautiful I loved every bit of it here. But I stayed extremely close to my husband it was so much crime and hate here. But Monster had an interesting level of respect from the people. He was teaching me things along our trip.

I didn't know you spoke Spanish?! I smiled holding his hand as he bought some flowers from a lady that was selling some outside our hotel.

It's one of many of my languages. He said as he broke a flower of and put it behind my ear.

How did you learn?

My umm grandmother was Honduran and I spent quite a few summers here as a small child.

Is that why you have such respect from them?

Kinda! I do a lot of business with them. I supply them with the raw necessities they need to survive and return they grow what I need them to.

So when you said you was the boss you ment it huh! I giggled.

You honestly have no clue. He smiled as he picked up a mango from another lady as we walked down the strip.

Is your grandmother still alive?

No...back than it was a war going on here and she was raped and kilt a long time ago. Which is why me and my mo...(he stopped talking and bit his lip. Ja'Kari never talked about his family at all or where he came from. I could tell just from this it was something deeper than what he ever wanted to tell me.)

It's okay, you don't have to force yourself to tell me!

Me and my mother escaped the harsh reality of being here and we moved back to the states after that...

Where is your mother?


How did she die if you mind me asking.....

We stopped walking and he turned to me. His eyes was pleading with sorrow.

I haven't been honest with you Queen....I do have some dark secrets....

Baby you don't have to tell me nothing you don't want to! I love you regardless of anything.

You sure?

Ja'Kari that's my word! I stood on my toes and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

Maestro estamos listos para ti! (Master we are ready for you!) a guy said coming up to us.

estaré allí en un segundo! (I will be there in a second!) He said back to the guy and he nodded his head and stepped to the side. "Here take this gun and he's going to escort you back to the hotel room. Member don't open the door for anybody not even security!" He said strikly. I nodded my head in agreement and he gave me the gun behind his back. I didn't really feel safe without him but you better believe I won't hesitate to shoot.

I made it back to the hotel room and locked the doors. The hotel was so beautiful. We was on the highest floor and I had a beautiful balcony with a swim up swimming pool, a beautiful patio set. I loved everything about this. I took all my clothes off to put a swim suit on and got into the hot tub. The stars was so beautiful and I grabbed me a glass of champagne to go with it and just relax. I was feeling amazing.

I swear I didn't wanna get out this water at all. Over an hour had passed me by and I still was in the hot water.

I heard the door close and Ja'Kari came into our room with 5 huge black duffel bags. He sat them on the floor in the closet and came over to me. By now I had taken my top and bottoms off I was relaxing in the water so much.

Damn you got in without me. He laughed bending down to me.

No I was waiting on you. I giggled kissing his lips as he kissed mine. He sat down on the edge putting his feet in and I came and stood between his legs taking his shirt off. I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him. He picked me up so I was completely straddling him as we looked into each other's eyes.

I love you Queen!

I love you to baby! I smiled hard. "Now come get in this water with me all the way!" I giggled getting off him. He stood up and took the stuff out his pockets first and got in. He wrapped his arms around me and we looked at the city before us. Nothing in this world could be more perfect than this.

You'll never judge me right? He asked looking off into space.

Of course I wouldn't baby! I said turning to face him.

I kilt her! He said blantly and numb. His eyes was focused on the distance and the smile I had on my face faded away. "I was 12 years old when I did it! I was full of rage and misery and just evil from all the bad things she done did to me. As much as it didn't seem like it when she was having woman rape me, beating me with whips and chains, locking me in sun rooms, and burning me with irons, trying to drown me, hitting me with cords anything she could find. She sold me to woman to make me clean their houses and do stuff to them sexual things.....god was on my side he gave her HIV than AIDS than cancer! She began to be so weak and fragile she desperately wanted to be put out her misery. And even than i didn't want to....I wanted her to suffer for every single thing she had ever done to me, that she had ever put me through. I wanted to keep dying a painful death. (He had tears rolling down his face! As he starred off telling his story. I didn't realize I had tears In my eyes.) She called me every name in the book from faggot to queer. Told me I would never amount to be anything in this life time. And I snapped I stood over her one night after lacing her crack with fentanyl and heroin I waited til she was so high I cut her throat. She bled out in front of me grasping for air and for me to help her. I just stood over her watching her die as her blood splattered every where. I didn't feel bad about what I did I just felt numb. One person knew about it and that's how I got my name Monster because I was a cold sick individual who took her life like I was a monster. I went to jail later that night from stealing from a store cause I was so hungry. I got out started selling drugs and getting into trouble back to back the system tried to place me in many different foster homes but they never worked out. I was to far gone in the streets to even be civil I was getting paid to off niggas at a young age. My last foster family I was with after I got out of jail was a Japanese family. Mr. Seduku changed my life for ever. He reinvented me and I began a drug lord at 16. A black belt and master in martial arts. A professional drift racer in Japan and HungKong. But than he got kilt when I turned 18 and it fucked me up even more I was back out here on my own. But by than I was stronger than ever and did what I knew best sold drugs and got money!  He said licking his lips and cutting his eyes at me.

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