Chapter 59

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You pregnant! Monster said in his sleep. "I know you is bae!" He said again. I rolled over hitting this nigga in his face with a pillow he jumped up scared.

Who the he'll pregnant Ja'Kari! I yelled mad sitting up. Cause nigga what is you dreaming about.

Muthafucka I know you ain't just hit me in my face and woke me up out the middle of my fuckin sleep.

Yeah I did while you talkin bout some you pregnant! Who pregnant?

Muthafucka I was sleep how I'm suppose to know. It was yo dumb ass in my dream.! He said snatching the covers off us and getting up moving to the other couch.

Yeah okay! Stop playing with me.

Leave me the fuck alone Queen! He said mad. I shrugged my shoulders and laughed a bit. He was mad as hell. I got up and went into the kitchen to grab a snack. I noticed it was a black bag like a gift bag sitting on our patio porch. It wasn't there earlier.  I opened the sliding doors and went out there as I got closer I noticed blood coming from it.

I opened the bag and it was a dead dog in it I started screaming to the top of my lungs. I couldn't stop yelling for Monster. He ran out here with quickness with his gun in his hand. Kaesean came running from the guest house to with a gun in his hand.

What's wrong? Monster asked looking around coming closer to me.

What's going on? Kasean asked out of breath. I pointed to the bag and monster walked to it slowly.

Yo bro! Kaesean said picking up a note from the other side and giving it to Monster. Monster had an uneasy look on his face.

Queen go in the house! He said uneasy.


Queen! He snapped looking back at me. I backed off and went into the house. I was kinda scared now. My phone started ringing which scared the hell out of me.

"Did you like my gift?"

Bae? I went back to the door and gave my phone to Monster. He started to get heated and tried to call the number. I was completely freaking out now.

Go get my phone! He said and I went to the living room. I grabbed his phone and he had a text from Shalease asking can she have her baby back! I rolled my eyes at it and made my way back to the patio. I gave him his phone and he was talking to Kaesean.

I can't take this shit lightly and ima need y'all to move y'all stuff from the guest house to the main house. Cause whoever this is, is bold enough to bring they asses here. Monster said to Kaesean.

Facts bro this shit crazy now.

Monster started dialing a number on his phone before coming into the house. "Yo mezz I need you to hack into my security cameras around my house and check something out for me. Serial numbers 5287716590. Hit me when you find something you'll know what I'm looking for!" He said on the phone before hanging up. He made another call to someone. "Yo Peter I need round the clock security. I want Sierra November India Papa Papa Echo Sierra!" He said talking in military lingo and walking away.

You okay sis? Kaesean asked hugging me.

No! I'm honestly scared I don't even feel safe in my own home. I said in all honesty.

Look if it's anything I learned from Monster he gone always make sure you good. Ima head back to the house and get them and we be back.

Okay! He let me go and tan across the field. I looked around my back yard looking around to make sure I didn't see anybody around or anything while making sure he got back safely. I was at such unease right now. I stood in the doorway watching Kaesean and Yonna load up they car with things they might need and not need before driving over here to the house.

You okay? Yonna asked hugging me.

Yonna I'm scared! I admitted hugging her back.

Monster or Kaesean is gonna let anything happen to you.

A hard knock filled the downstairs front door. Monster beat me to it while he was still on the phone. It was like a bunch of military personnel at my front door. I looked at Yonna and Yonna looked at me. The one guy handed Monster a huge bag  and he let them in.

This is one of my teams go get the babies and sit in the living room. Monster said putting his phone down. "I'm bouta do a search on the house and the cars! The security team a be here soon!" He added as my house began to fill with military personal with giant guns and military gear on. What the hell did I get myself into messing with Monster what type of connects his ass got.

I ran upstairs to get my babies from there naps and brought them downstairs like Monster said. Him and his team started to search the whole entire house, back yard, guest house, cars and so much more when I say they didn't miss a spot they didn't at all. It was taking them hours to go through everything thoroughly.

You okay? Monster asked coming back into the living room to check on us.

Yeah! Y'all find anything?

No nothing but we taking all precautions you know I got you right?


The security team will be here shortly to set up. I have camera literally all over anything like this won't happen again. And anybody think they gone trespass will get shot and killed my orders to my men. Ight! He kissed me and went back to doing what he was doing.

I was at ease a bit knowing that he was doing all this stuff to make sure we are safe.

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