Chapter 69

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I sat looking at my ring still in disbelief of what happened just a few hours ago. I didn't think we would make it here but here we are. I wondered how long he was planning that? I was in such awe! I always had a feeling that Monster was the one for me. From the very first conversation we clicked instantly. He's been here through a lot of stuff with me especially when I needed someone the most. I'm glad I now get to spend the rest of my life with him. Which is why I didn't wanna wait!

I got up and went on the balcony where he was smoking at and kissed his bare back wrapping my arms around his waist.

What's up baby? He asked after taking a long drag of his weed.

I don't wanna wait! I said in all seriousness.

For what? He asked confused.

To get married! Let's do it, we can do it here just us!

He started choking On his smoke as he was inhaling I can tell I caught him off guard. "What? You don't wanna big wedding?"

Yes I do! We can focus on that at a later time but I wanna get married now. I don't wanna waist another second!

He looked at me for a few seconds and a small smile crept around his face. "You really serious?"

I am! He ashes his blunt and went back inside grabbing the phone to the hotel. After a few seconds he spoke some words in French than hung up the phone. He came back over to me hugging me with a smile.

It's done! He said licking his lips I was a little confused by what he ment.

I didn't know you spoke French! And what's done?

I picked it up a couple years back...and your wish is my command! He said all while grabbing his hoodie and putting his slides on. He grabbed his phone and smiled before walking to the door to walk out.

What the hell just happened? I went to go sit down and process it all. But after a while A knock filled the door and I went to go open it thinking it was him. But two ladies from the hotel was standing there smiling.

Hi I'm Gionni and I'm Trissa! The ladies spoke. "We have very clear instructions for you from Mr. Stevenson!" Trissa said finishing the sentence.

Okayyyy?! I laughed kinda shock.

So put your shoes on and come on! She said. I went to go put my crocs on and grabbed my sweater and my purse and left the room with them. I was a bit nervous to see what was going to happen. They walked me all the way outside and a black truck was parked out front. All three of us got in the truck.

So Ms Dae! What kind of Spa treatment do you prefer? Gionni asked pulling out a booklet.

I never had a spa treatment before! I giggled.

Well here they have all different types of packages. Your fiancé told our boss to tell us to make sure you get literally everything you wanted today! The most expensive of them all! Trissa said. Gionni sat the book in my lap and showed me all the different spa packages. I chose the $500 dollar package. It was a full body waxing treatment and than a full body oil massage with hot rocks, a 24Kart gold facial, and than a relaxing mani and pedi! I was so excited. I never in life thought that I would ever be able to pamper myself like this before. I'm so glad I'm getting to experience all of my never would of thoughts.

We pulled up to the spa and the girls got out first than me as well as a guy from the front seat.

Oh Ms. Dae this is your security officer Mr Fascé, Fase for short!

Nice to meet you Ms. Dae! He said shaking my hand. He was at least 6,7! 280lbs, and full of muscle. He had two guns on his hips and had a nice suit on.

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