Chapter 124

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Your honor we have substantially evidence that my clients need to be released! Mr Huffman said to the judge.

I substation your honor! Mr and Mrs Stevenson aren't even married! We would like for them to testify against each other! The DA said.

What? That's crazy! In the state of New York a married couple can not legally testify against each other.

They where married in Paris!

So what! They both posses a legal married document stating the day and time that they where married with two whiteness. So there for they are legally married!

Claim dismissed they are legally married! Consular what evidence do you have? The judge said.

Proof that they did not kidnap that child.

Excuse me your honor may I approach the bench? The DA said. The judge motioned for them both to come up to the stand. After a few second they came back to their tables.

Consulars meet me in my chambers for recess! He banged his gravel and a cop came and took Ja'Kari back to the back. I was so miserable seeing him like this. His eyes was black as night. His skin was cold to touch, and he radiate this ora as if he was the angel of death.

I got up to leave the court room and Yonna, Sean, Q, and Dre followed me out. I felt so emotionless about everything around me. We went to lunch that wasn't far from the court house. Everybody could feel how angry I was. I checked my phone still no notifications or anything about my child's whereabouts. I tried calling Heaven and Machi but got no answer. It's like they was ignoring me. I bursted into tears. I was so scared for my child.

We gotta get back to court they about to start! Q said hugging me. "It's gone be okay sis!" He assured me.

We took our seats in the courtroom and someone came and sat next to me. I looked up and it was Micah. He grabbed my hand as Ja'Kari was escorted back into the courtroom.

I love you Queen! He whispered to me. "We'll find our son!"

Your honor we are inquiring that the case against the Stevensons be dropped and the Buffalo Police Department be charged with allowing a kidnapping to take place as well as cause a death of a fetus, the arresting officer to be held accountable with manslaughter and sueing for 20 million dollars. Our lawyer said.

I object your honor! The DA said pissed off.

Your honor, with the evidences have provided to the court shows that Halo the mother of the said kissing child placed her baby on the steps of the home of the Stevensons. Where Queen my client is fully 3 months pregnant which who has no complications of her pregnancy opens the door and retrieves the baby after she was placed in the doorsteps of their home with this said note atttched to her.

In the next slide I have provided the text messages between Heaven and Queen for arrangements to pick up the child which who picked her up seconds before the police bumbarded through their house and arrested the couple. You can see as well how the arresting officers handled my pregnant client at the time. You can visually see how he has his knee on her back forcefully applying pressure to her squishing her pregnant stomach into the ground which is documented from the emergency room doctor that, that amount of force made her placenta detach from her child and she bleed out which caused her to pass out and miscarry almost causing her death as well!

Their child was also taken by the woman in question we are motioning for a wanted warrant for her immediate arrest for kidnapping to the 1st degree. She took their child knowing it was not hers. The officers did not check and make sure it was her child they let her take that baby knowing it wasn't hers. Now my clients have lost two children.

Your honor in the defense of the officers they only went off a picture that they had of child. Which both children looked alike. The DA said.

Where they aware of Mrs Stevenson having a child? The judge asked.

Yes they was...

No further questions! I'm granting this case to be thrown out against the Stevensons. Mr Huffman I am granting an agreement that the Buffalo Police department will be held accountable for the kidnapping and loss of Mrs Stevenson unborn child. Warrants is granted against the arresting officers Makoy, Brown, and Johnson held on 1st degree murder, 1st degree manslaughter, unaccessforce with a deadly weapon. The warrant for the arrest of said Woman Halo as well held in accounts of kidnapping first degree. Kidnapping on the second degree. Premeditation kidnapping to the 1st degree. No bonds for said any warrants. Release Mr. Stevenson immediately. Court is adjourned! He banged his gravel and I felt instant relief.

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