Chapter 16

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What's up daddy baby! Monster smiled taking Ja'Kari out the car seat. He was so happy to see him and Ja'Kari was happy to see him too cause he was smiling at everything he said.

Hi baby! He said in baby talk! I love the bond they was creating. "Daddy missed you!" He said kissing his hand.

I went to go answer the door cause someone was knocking. "I left my phone in his diaper bag!" Micah said coming through the door but he paused when he seen Monster.

I'll get it! I said quickly moving to his diaper bag grabbing his phone out.

What he doing here holding my son? Micah asked pissed.

He's his God dad relax!

Look I told you how I felt about that shit. I'm the only fatherly figure he needs in his life. Micah said pissed.

Not all of a sudden a Nigga been a dad for two weeks and think he got the number one dad award. Monster laughed.

Nobody was fuckin talkin to yo ass! Micah yelled.

Hey calm down both of you my son is here! I yelled grasping both they attention.

Yo give me my fuckin son! Micah yelled.

Yo who you yellin at? Monster said standing up after placing the baby in the swing.

You Nigga! What's up? You want my son to be yours so bad! And my girl!

Yo girl?

Bae tell this nigga! He needa step back before he get his shit pushed back.

Yo I don't take threats lightly Yung bull. You back out on me you better use that shit! Monster said getting so mad. And fuck is this Nigga talkin bout Queen?

Nothing Monster relax.

Oh so our kiss ain't ment nothing? Micah asked pissed and surprised.

No that's not what I ment! My head was spinning around in circles.

Oh so it did mean something! Monster laughed. "But you was fuckin me last night tellin me you love me though right?!" He added extra pissed off.

But he just his god dad! Ight! Micah said pissed off slamming the door leaving out.

You kissed him?!

No he kissed me! I was grabbing some diapers off the shelf I couldn't reach it he helped me and I turned around and he just kissed me.

You love that Nigga?

No.....Monster I don't, I don't love him!

It's kinda hard to believe that! He said pissed off getting up grabbing his stuff.

Where are you going?

Look you obviously got yo feelings and shit mixed up. I don't play childish ass games Queen im a grown ass man. Call me when you get yo shit together! He said before kissing Ja'Kari forehead and leaving the house. Everything just came crashing down on me. I told Micah I didn't wanna be with him or want a relationship right now. I know for a fact my heart was with Monster. I was losing my shit right now!

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