Chapter 89

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I walked into the kitchen and something felt odd. Monster was cooking dinner and I couldn't help but wonder what Micah said was true or not. I sat my purse on the island and he smiled.

The kids ate already and is getting washed upstairs for bed. I thought you and me have a night dinner on the patio under the stars. He said with a smile. I took a wine glass he had on the island next to him and poured me a glass. "You Ight?" He asked looking up from the food. He gave me this weird look for a second than gazed away back to the food.

Mmhmm! I said as I took a sip of the wine.

You sure?

Yeah, ima go freshen up.

Ight, dinner be ready in about 20 minutes.

I nodded my head and got up from my seat grabbing my purse as I was walking out the room I thought I was over reacting for a second. I turned to look back at my husband the purse I've always known to be so true to me rather than the words of Micah! He looked up from his cooking and smiled. My judgment wasn't wrong and we was friends before we was lovers. Ja'Kari wouldn't lie to me about anything.....I don't think!

Hurry up! He said making me jump from my daze. I gave a sly smile and made my way upstairs to our bedroom. Our nanny was putting our kids in the beds. Ja'Kari was already sleep. I kissed his head and moved his blanket from him a bit. Austin was laying there drifting off. I blew him a kiss not wanting to wake him cause i knew he would be trying to get up and play. That was my sweet baby boy.

I went into my closet to undress and go get in the shower: the weight of me and Micah's conversation played over and over again in my head. I felt good to get some closure though. I don't like that he's sitting in jail for something he didn't do. Not that he didn't deserve it he had a gun pointed at my head and I didn't wanna take their baby away from them but Halo needs to be in jail for shooting me. I know it was her and I can't understand why Micah loves her so much to cover for her.

I got out the shower and dried off. I put on a pair of shorts and an over sized white tshirt and some house shoes. I made my way back down to the kitchen and chef boy R Monster was outside setting the table up with candles and the food. I grabbed my wine glass from the counter and made my way out there. He had some soft music playing and the fire pit for some warmth. He pulled my chair out and kissed my cheek as I sat down.

What did you make? I asked after taking a sip of my wine.

Just some stuffed fried lasagna with garlic logs and a soft shredded chicken Caesar salad.

It looks good, thank you for this!

Your welcome how was your day?

It was okay, I ummm....(I was hesitant a bit about telling him I went to go see Micah today!)

What? He asked cutting his food.

I uhhh, went to go see Micah today! I spat out scared to look at him a said it looking down. He sat back in his chair licking his lips. He was generating a certain type of energy I couldn't explain. He grabbed his wine glass and took a sip before he would even began to speak.

Did you get the answers you was looking for?

Yes and no....i got some closure that i needed but Micah didn't shoot me Monster, Halo did and he's covering for her.

Why would he do that?

That's the part I can't understand....he loves her!

Do you love him? He asked looking me in my eyes. It's like he was reading my soul.

I looked him in his eyes and said "Not nearly as much as I would ever love you!" I said in all honesty.
His facial expression was blank and His eyes was giving me an unseasonably feeling. He nodded his head and continued to eat his food a bit. I got up and made my way to his side of the table. I removed his hands and sat in his lap putting his arms around me.

Ja'Kari I've been in love with you from the moment I met you. You gave me what nobody in this world has ever. People search the world looking for the type of love you give and never find it. I'd be a fool to jeopardize any of it all for nothing that doesn't mean anything. You give me a sense of power that nobody will and has ever. You love me for me and I feel like im on top of the world when im with you. Baby your my heart, mind, body and soul and im forever greatful for you. No one can ever take your place. Not now or in any life time. I love you! And I'll never leave you! I spoke firmly into his eyes holding his chin up. His eyes soften up and they became glossy a bit. Sometimes we just have to speak reassurance into our men to make them feel secure just like they do us. Ja'Kari wasn't one to show his emotions but I know I was his weakness and he needed that.

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