Chapter 61

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I sat Ja'Kari on the island and pulled Austin's high chair up to the counter. I turned the tv on for them and gave Austin a small snack. He was so fussy cause he was hungry. I was about to cook dinner. Chicken rice and broccoli.

Hey babe! Yonna said coming into the kitchen grabbing a bottle for Kaeson.

Hi my love! Dinner will be ready shortly. I said placing the broccoli in the steamer.

Okay! How you feeling?

I'm okay! I'm still tired as hell. So ima put them to bed early and go to sleep early.

Yeah me to I been sleepy as hell for some days! I feel
Like I can't get enough sleep.

Mmmmhm! I giggled.

Please don't start your shit!

All I'm saying is that pregnancy causes sleepiness! I laughed.

And it also causes nauseousness, cramping, and spotting missy! She said twisting her lips up with a smirk.

Yeah but I'm not the pregnant one you are! I laughed.

Naw I'm pretty sure it's you! A male
Voice said coming into the kitchen. I looked up and it was Monster. I dropped everything hugging him tight kissing him.

Welcome home bro! Yonna smiled as he gave her a side hug.

You back a lil early.

Yeah I just wanted to make sure you was good.

I'm fine I told you! How was it?

It went great! I did what I had to and we good. We straight forever baby! He said kissing me. "I'm
Bouta go get in the shower!" He kissed our kids and went up the back steps.

Mmmmm even yo man said you pregnant! Yonna giggled.

Girl go to hell! I said with a stank face. I pulled up a seat and cracked some baby food open. I wanted to see how Ja'Kari would react to it. I gave him a small spoon fed of bananas. His eyes widened and he started kicking his feet and grunting. It was safe to say he liked it. I started to feed him more and more. Kaeson was looking at me like what is you doing give me some. I took a spoon full and fed Aunty fatty man. He loved it to.

Fat ass kids! Yonna laughed opening some feeding him half.

I finished up and cleaned my baby up and made our plates. I liked how all of us sat and ate as a family.

Thanks baby! Monster said coming and sitting down at the table as I sat his food down.

Your welcome.

It smells good In here sis! Kaeson said sitting down to.

Thank you it is! I laughed sitting down. Yonna led grace and we all digged in.

Miss Dae you have a visitor! Our housekeeper Nani said coming into the kitchen. I was shocked cause no one knew where I lived.

Who is it? I asked putting my fork down.

He said his name is Mr. Jackson and he is here for his son! I looked at Monster and he shook his head to get up. I got up and we went to our front door.

How did you get my address? I questioned as I got closer to him.

I have my ways! He said looking around the house.

What do you want?

My son Queen!

Micah it's been weeks since we moved not once have you called and asked about him you can't just show up at my house expecting you to get my son that you don't even care about.

You need to leave! Monster said coming from the door way. He was so super irritated.

Give me my fuckin son! Micah said sternly. He pulled me by my hair so quick and wrapped his arm around my neck to put me in a choke hold than put a gun to my head. "I want my fuckin son or ima blow her fuckin brains out!" Micah said sternly. I don't know what the fuck has gotten into him.

Look Micah I don't wanna hurt you out of respect for  your son that's living here. Before you do anything stupid how do you think your son will feel knowing you took his moms life away.? Monster asked sincerely walking over to the ash tray and lighting his blunt leaning against the railing to the stairs.

I didn't hurt him you did! You took my girlfriend and child away. This is payback!

I didn't take them anywhere! You gave them to pushed her away from you! Why aren't you taken any accountability for what you did kid? Monster asked with laughter.

Where is my son? Queen I swear to god I'll blow your brains out where is he!?

Micah please let me go! I begged.

I Shot you once I'll do it again! He whispered into my ear.

You shot me? I asked loud enough for Monster to hear. Monster eyes got black I never seen that happen before. And his facial expression turned blank. It was like he was completely token over by something or someone else.

That bullet was ment for him! You was just in the way.

Micah why?

Exactly Queen why? Why couldn't you had just trusted me and gave me some time. But left me when I really needed you both my parents are dead and you go and start fuckin with this nigga who thinks he can be my child's father.

I'm going to kill you! Monster said coldly. Kaesean and Yonna tan up here to the front of the house.

What the fuck going on! Yonna yelled catching his attention. I pushed Micah into the back of the door hard he let go of me I took his arm flipping him around hitting him in his chest than across his face. He dropped the gun and I picked it up before kicking him in his chest making him fly back into the door.

You'll never get my fuckin son! I gave the gun to Monster and he took a long drag of his blunt. Micah had his grip around my neck so tight he left his finger prints indented on my neck.

I have been nothing but nice to you and gave you chances after chances! But this has by far been the most underlying thing you have done. I want him to kill you, but I'm not the type that'll take someone away from their family. I want you to live with the guilt of all this for the rest of your life. I want you to explain to your son why you tried to kill his mother because you wanted to be a dead beat ass dad and not do right by him and got mad cause another man stepped up. Beat his ass! I said grabbing Monsters phone to calm the police. I let monster beat the living hell out of Micah he tried to fight back but Monster was really just beating the shit out of him. Kaesean pulled him off of him in time as the police arrived.

I told him how he broke into my house bum rushed my housekeeper and tried to steal my son. They arrested him and took him away. I collected my police report and pressed charges against him. I was completely hurt knowing that Micah was the one who shot me. Even though I couldn't bring my self to let Monster kill him it hurted bad knowing that he did this to me.

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