Chapter 114

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Are you okay? I asked monster sitting beside him on our patio.

Yeah I'm Ight baby! He said as he finally looked at me.

Wanna talk about it?

Some Shìt you just don't talk about!

I understand. I laid my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. "I'll always be here if you need me!"

I know, I love you!

I love you to!

Don't ever leave me okay?! I looked up at him and he had tears in his eyes I pulled him into me and held him a little closer.

Ja'Kari I don't never plan on it! I kissed the side of his head and took a deep breath. I do not like seeing him like this. I don't know what it's like to kill someone yet alone my BestFriend, someone you was super close with but I know it was eating him alive knowing what he did and how he tried to kill him.
I can just imagine the thoughts he had running through his head.
"It's gone be okay baby!"

He nodded his head in agreement.

The doorbell rang and I got up and went in the house to go to my door. "Mrs. Stevenson?!" Dre called out to me as I was walking to the front!

Yeah Dre what up?

Uhh it's a lady here.....She said she is your mother! Dre said moving out the way as I got closer to the door. I opened the door and it indeed was my mother. I didn't know if I wanted to welcome her in or not.

HiiiHii, Hi Queen! She stuttered through her shy scared smile.

Hi! I forced the words out my mouth biting the side of my lip. Last week I wrote my mother a letter and I simply told her I wanted to see her. I didn't think she got it or anything she never wrote back.

Can I come in? It's kinda cold out here! She joked.

Yeah, sorry come in! I said as I moved to the side. She came in looking amazed at my beautiful house.

Wow this is amazing and beautiful Queen! She said in shock.

Thank you, you can follow me! I said as I led her to the livingroom. We sat on the couch and I turned the TV down a bit. "Would you like anything to eat or drink?" I asked offering clearing my throat.

No I'm fine......I uhhh have to admit that I was shocked at seeing your letter. I contemplated on wether or not to come here. I'm sorry I just showed up. I just really wanted to meet with you. She spoke softly with tears on her tongue. She looked absolutely amazing better than the last time I even seen here.

I wanted to talk to you in some sense....I don't know...I wasn't really prepared for this or what I thought I was going to say to you when I actually did see you.

How about this! Baby girl I'm sorry! I'm so so so sorry! I know I messed your life up bad....and you hate me I know you do. And I hate myself to for how and what I put you through all these years. Your tuning out so amazing and doing so well for yourself.! And that's all I ever prayed for. I prayed for a day we would get the chance to talk one day. And.....(she had tears coming down her face) and that you would forgive me for all those horrible things that had happened. I just really wanted to apologize to you sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I know this is the most hardest thing to do for the both of us. But I just hope and pray that some where deep down in your heart you forgive me because I am truly, and I mean truly sorry and I'll do anything in this world to show you that I am.

Thank you.....I needed that...I needed to hear that! I'm still at a lost for words and don't really know what I wanna say but I forgive you. I don't think I can ever in my life forget but I do forgive you. And I can't keep holding on to the hatred in my heart that I have because it's blocking me from giving and receiving all the love I can possibly get from other people. I congratulate you on becoming clean and getting some help. It was long and over do. What made you change?

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