Chapter 65

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Owwww what about the new night club opening down on 56th? Called the umm Tru, or something like that? Yonna said jumping up from the bed.

Oh yeah I seen an article about that or something. Ima have to see if I can get something set up cause I really don't know what to do for him! It's really blowing me Yonna!

Girl now you know that boy gone be happy with any and everything you give him. You can kiss him as a birthday gift and he gone die! She said laughing.

Please shut up don't do my man like that! I laughed getting up. I went into my closet and grabbed this black bag bringing it over to the bed.

What's that? She asked carious. I opened the bag and pulled out a brand new Glock 20 with a green optic and flash light. "Oweeee that's cold!" She said excited.

And it's about 200K in here! And I got him this Rolex! I said opening the box. The background of the watch face had a picture of him and the kids. It was one of my favorite pictures. He was holding Ja'Kari and Austin was standing on the side of him smiling looking over at Ja'Kari holding his hand. It was the first time they met. I adored this picture. It also had really small diamonds inside of it. It was so fire.

What the fuck Queen this shit is fire ass fuck! He's going to love this! All of it I honestly, think he'll go crazy over the gun cause you know it's Monster but yeah! This is fire !

Thanks, and than I booked a private jet and we are going to Trinidad his home town so it'll be great for him to reconnect with family.
I found a cousin or something and we are going to set up a lil family reunion!

Wowwwww that's so cold Queen yes!

It just feels so good to finally be able to do something for him and give back to him because he's always did and do for us. Like he really saved me from so much in life literally kept me from going crazy.

I can tell that he really loves you sis and Ja'Kari like he's his own! You deserve him and he deserves you I'm happy y'all got it together.

Thank you baby! I'm happy we got it together to! I laughed. Me and Monster most definitely had our rocky times and I ain't saying this the last but it's sure as hell not gone be the first either. But I think we are in a better position to talk about stuff before we completely just act out on it.
I put everything back into the bag and put it back in my closet. I grabbed my phone and we went downstairs.

The boys was still in the livingroom playing the game. Boys loved they game systems. I never cared that he wants to play the game cause it keeps him safe and in the house. I worry about Monster a lot every time he leaves the house.

Need anything baby? I asked kissing his neck than cheek from behind him.

Naw baby I'm good thank you!

You sure? straight? Do you Need anything!?

No baby I'm fine too, I love you! I giggled getting off of him. I went into the kitchen and turned the tv on. I spent so much time in my kitchen. I loved it! I grabbed me a few snacks and sat at the island. This was my me time....I mommy time but he was sleep for a few hours. Whatever Gallon was doing was working cause even Austin was still sleep! I got up to prepare the babies and Austin's lunch for when they did get up.

I loved being a mom it literally was just the highlight of my day ‼️

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