Chapter 90

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Baby? I called out to Monster as I stood in his closet doorway as he was putting his draws on.

Yes mamas?

You'll tell me if you was hiding something right?

What you mean? I ain't hiding nun! He said sitting in his bench putting his socks on.

It's just that. The other day at the visit Micah said something that's been bothering me and knowing I honestly don't know much about you is a little weird to me.

Queen your married to me! And you mean to tell me you don't know me? He asked annoyed putting his T-shirt on.

People be married for years and don't even know they spouse.

What did he say?

He said "Everything that glitters ain't gold, and I'll soon find out the dark secrets of you!"

Dark secrets huh? He laughed leaning back on his dressers with his arms folded. "I don't have secrets!"

You'd tell me if you did?

If I say yes than that'll just imply that I do and I don't so I'm gonna pretend this conversation didn't happen right now and your not listening to a crazy ass jealous ass nigga who just wanted to give you a reason to get all worked up.

Than why don't you talk about your family Ja'Kari?

Simple! I didn't have one.

Come on everyone has one!

Not me! Satan dropped me off on someone's door steps from hell! He said with all honesty in his voice.
I gave him a look and he started laughing. "I'm kidding!" He laughed hard standing in my face. He was now fully dressed and standing in front of me. "Look baby I just didn't have one Ight!" "I'll be back some time in the morning before you leave for school!"

You staying out all night?

I just got some drops to make some back and fourth shit! I know it's gone take a while. I'll be back in time! He leaned down and kissed me pulling me close to him.

Please be safe!

I'm always safe! He giggled.

Not always! I smiled handing him his keys.

I'll see you later!" He giggled and kissed me again. "You not gone kiss me back?"

No, I just feel like.....

Queen, what's my favorite food?

Hot Chicken wings!

And my favorite color?


My favorite thing to do?

Sell drugs, ride motorcycles, make a bunch of money, and take care your kids!

He made a face licking his lips in agreement. "What's my favorite cologne?"

Burberry 2.0 for men!

How old was i when I lost my virginity?

Like 12!

How old was I the first real time I got arrested?


What school did I go to?

Huh Buffalo's Academy elementary up until your 7th grade year than you was placed at school 44 for alternative behavior children got kicked out and went to jail at 14 did 3 years and got your GED....

Seems to me you know everything about me.... So you gone let a nigga play in yo face and get in yo head cause he's jealous your with me and I take of my responsibility as a man, as a father, as a husband? If you feel so strong about it and believe him over me than we can divorce and you can go run to him cause that's what it sounds like to me!

First off no! I never said I wanted to divorce you yet alone fuckin ever go back to him all I'm saying is that what he said was bothering me that's it.

And I hear you I do but this ain't that and that ain't this! I gotta go! He said annoyed walking away from me.

You gone be mad at me now? I yelled to him as he reached the staircase. He ignored me and didn't say anything or looked back. I know I whole heartedly pissed him off. I'm not sure if I was gone be able to come back from this.

I challenged his manhood and our marriage all in one. I was bouta have to suck a whole lot of dick to get back on his good side. Monster always felt like I had some type of hidden love for Micah but truth was I didn't. I don't know why what he said had me so in a frenzy.

I laid back in the bed grabbing my phone and texting Yonna asking what she was doing but I realized it was almost 1am and she probably was sleep.

I hated sleeping alone and he was gone be gone all night. I got up to go check on the kids one last time and than went to go get in the bed.

I woke up to my alarm going off and the shower water running in Monsters bathroom. I got up and made my way in there and he was washing up. I loved his body wash it smelt so good. I took my clothes off and opened the door. All the steam hit me and it felt so good. I stepped in behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist he was letting all the water run in him.

I love you baby! I said softly kissing his back. "And I never wanna divorce you, and I was wrong for thinking you'd ever lie to me about anything especially when all a Nigga did was lie to me said that....I'm sorry forgive me?" I said softly kissing his back multiple times. He turned to look at me and hugged me.

I know you love me, you show It everyday!

And I just want you to know I'll never put anybody before you.

I know! I stood on my toes and kissed him. I kissed him so passionately he picked me up. Pinning me against the wall as water from both angels ran on us. He slid in me slowly and thrusted up and down as he kissed on my neck. He was feeling so good I didn't even care about getting my hair wet. I swear us having sex right now was like something out a movie scene.
He put me down and i dropped to me knees to please him. I loved sucking my man dick. Seeing him get weak in the knees from me pleasuring him and hearing his soft moans turned me on so bad. He pulled me up and turned me around, grabbing my hips and thrusted in and out I was cumming before he did. He thrusted deep in me while kissing my neck as he came.

I love you Queen! He whispered in my ear as he finished. That sent shivers down my spine and made me wanna cum again.

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