Chapter 10

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I woke up to crying and my phone going off. I picked my baby up to cradle him in my arms as I nursed him. His little cries was so cute but this was the 5th time he woke up crying less than an hour. My phone started ringing again making me wake completely up.

Hello! I said answering yawning I was so tired.

What's wrong with you? A male voice asked making me look at the phone and it was Micah.

I'm tired! What's up?

Shit I was tryna come see my son! He said bluntly.


Right now? I been blowing ya phone up!

I was sleep. You can come!

Ight I'll be there in a minute. He hung up and I turned the tv down. My nipples was so sore cause Ja'Kari was literally sucking the life out of me.

Knocking on the door loudly filled the house and I got up holding him making it downstairs. I opened the door and Micah stepped in the house. He had this huge smile on his face that annoyed me. I went and sat on the couch as he was done feeding. Micah went to go wash his hands and take his stuff off. I burped him than handed him off.

How long you gone be here? I asked before getting up.

Shit a min why?

Can I take a nap I'm so tired.

Yeah go ahead.

He feeds every two hours so I'll set my alarm.

Ight don't worry!

Thanks! I went upstairs and got in the shower quick before getting in the bed.



Queen went upstairs and my lil mama was just looking at me with his little eyes. He was so handsome I mean of course he did he looked just like me. I was enjoying all of this right now. He was easier than Machia. Machia literally cried if you looked at her but Lil dude right here was chillin. I turned in the tv to watch the game and he was chillin watching it like he knew what he was watching.

I see how tired Queen was so I placed him in the swing than made my way to the kitchen and started to cook some dinner for her. I figured some rice, shrimp, and chicken pieces with broccoli was good for her like a stir fry. I cleaned the dishes after and took the garbage out.

I tidied anything else that needed to be before she woke up. I just wanted to show her I was invested in her and my son.

Smells good! She said yawning coming back down the stairs. She slept over two hours but I didn't wanna wake her.

I made you a plate on the island.

Thank you! And you took the garbage out whatttttt! She laughed going into the kitchen.

Yeah I just figured I'd help you out a bit.

Thank you I appreciate you.

Don't worry about it. I changed him and he's sleeping so ima head out.

How was he?

He was amazing I can't believe I have a son.! He look just like me.

Yeah I say the same thing. Do you wanna feed him before you leave?

I thought he was Brest fed?

He is, he takes a bottle as well. I pump and give it to him.

Oh ight. She went to the fridge and pulled a bottle out and poured the milk into a bottle thing and it was like a microwave for it or something. She gave me the warm bottle and I went to go feed my son. He was still sleeping but he was eating still. Babies be fat as hell.

This really made my day after all the shit I was going through.

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