Chapter 63

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So he's looking at about 2 years for a home invasion. Since he didn't actually touch your son they won't charge him with kidnapping.

But he held a gun to my head! He even shot me! I have my medical records from Texas.

Do you have proof?

I have home security cameras can pick up on all audio! Monster said walking into the room. "He's even been leaving her threatening messages!" He added as he sat down. "Look Johnathan I don't pay you as much as I do for bull shit! Get his ass locked up or I'm going to kill him!" Monster said very sternly looking into the lawyers eyes.

Yes sir! I will do everything I can to push a heavier sentence get me that video and Audio admitting that he shot her than I can make this case bigger than your murder case! The lawyer said with a smile.

It's already sent to your email.!

I'll get started on that tonight (he reached into his brief case and grabbed some papers.) Ms. Dae I have the signed paperwork to release Micah Jackson's rights as your son father. The judge released them to me this morning! He said as he slid them over to me. I grabbed the papers looking over everything! I was extremely happy that Micah had no rights to my son they where terminated. I can't believe it had to even get to this point where we was doing this right now. Never in a million years would I ever had stopped to think this about Micah.

Thank you! I said smiling.

I promise you both that I'm going to do everything in my power to put him away for a long, long , long time!

I know! Monster said with a smirk getting up. I stood to my feet and shook the lawyers hand. I grabbed my coat and followed Monster out the office. I wasn't worried no more cause Monster said he was the best of the best and he's gotten him off a few times. I was extremely happy that he did get the judge to agree to terminate Micah's rights to my son. If he ever came near my baby for the next 18 years he will go to jail cause I made sure to get a restraining order for him. Micah can't even come 100 feet near my child for the next 18 years.

Monster opened my door for me and we got in the car. Our driver pulled off and I laid my head on Monsters shoulder.

Thank you baby! I said more to myself than him. He smiled down at me and kissed me.

I'll do anything to protect my family you know that!

I know!
Before you know it our driver way pulling up to our house. Monster opened the door and helped me out before closing the door behind me. He opened our house door and let me walk in first. Our kids was in the living room with Fallon. She was out new nanny!  Ja'Kari was sleep in his swing and Austin was literally laid on the couch with his feet on her as she rubbed his little toes with his feet crossed and drank out his sippy cup. He was a complete character.

Hey Fall! I smiled waving at her as I kicked my heels off.

Hey Ms Dae! She smiled. "Hi Mr Stevenson!" She said smirking. Monster rolled his eyes and went upstairs. Austin seen me and jumped right up coming to me hugging me not letting me go so tight. I loved this so much and looked forward to me getting hugs and kisses from him every day!

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