Chapter 111

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I leaned over the toilet throwing my life up. It was 3am and I was sick as fuck. I don't know what I ate but this lil baby don't play. It was making me so sick in the middle of the night.

You okay? I heard the bathroom door opened a bit. I took a deep breath and nodded my head. I flushed the toilet and stood up slowly.

Need me to get you anything?

No I'm fine Monster!

Why you say it like that?

Like what?

Like I'm bothering you or something!

Because I'm throwing up my insides and I'm hurting like honestly asking am I okay is just stupid! I been back and fourth from the bed to the toilet for hours and you been aki ki kinging downstairs with yo lil MoMo bear and now you wanna ask am I okay! I'm fine!

I didn't know you was up here sick I would of been came up.

It's givingggggg you a friendly ass nigga and yo lil friendly ass nurse is fired!

You gone fire her?

No you is! I wiped my mouth and drunk some water before walking past him and going to sit on the bed. A nigga been walking around here going up and down stairs and moving like he was better so that must mean he didn't need that raggedy ass bitch no more.

Look I know you a lil upset right now but ain't nobody thinking about touching that girl!


I'm bouta grab my phone and water and I'll be back.

Whatever I'm going to sleep! She layed back down and fixed the covers over her. Now I felt bad cause I only been taking meds going to sleep and eating a bit. The last lil couple days Brooke had me in the gym tryna build some strength back and I was healing pretty well. I just had to build myself up.

Thought you wasn't coming back! She laughed a lil.

Ima call it a night. My wife is missing me! And I miss her to.

Okay well it was nice talking to you, you need help going up? She asked walking over to me.

Naw I got it. I'm good!

You sure? She rubbed her hand up my chest caressing my body. "I can help you!" She said moving a lil closer biting her lip touching my face.

I'm married Brooke!

Okay and? Nobody gotta know! She smiled. She started to tug at my shorts and pulled my dick rubbing it getting me hard. I looked at her licking my lips as she was about to take my whole head into her mouth. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before her tongue touched my shaft.

Naw! I can't! I said exhaling pulling back from her.

What's wrong?

I think you need to leave!


Pack your stuff and leave! I'll have my wife Zelle you, your last check.

Your firing me?

Look you got hired to take care of me not fuck me. My wife was kind enough to let you stay here and feed you all for free and you still getting paid! I love my wife and I don't wanna jeopardize anything in this world that'll mess my marriage up. Temptation is a mean thing but I got to much respect for her to cheat in her so ima need you to get yo stuff and leave.

I guess it is some good man still out here.! She smirked. I walked to the livingroom and Dre was on the couch watching tv.

Yo Dre can you go up make sure Brooke get her stuff than escort her off the property please!

Yeah sure boss! I went upstairs and closed the door. Queen was laying down and my dick was at attention. I know I pissed her off and she wasn't gone give me nun.

I know I was back feeling good my dick work again! I pulled the covers off of her and she got mad.

What is you doing stupid boy?! She yelled at me.

Bouta give you some head! I pulled her panties off and she layed there looking at me for a second like I was crazy.

Leave me alone Ja'Kari!

Hell naw girl this dick work again and you bouta get it! I smiled happily. I started eating her pussy I was bouta nail my bitch to the cross!

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