Chapter 77

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Hey baby I'm gone be staying at a friends house for a couple days it's some security issues, just call me if you need me! I heard Ja'Kari voice pour through my phone speaker. I just woke up from my nap and I had three missed calls from him. It was going on 3pm. I was confused for a bit.

I quickly changed screens and dialed his number. The phone rung and rung until the voicemail picked up. I wasn't happy about this in fact I was actually annoyed.

I sat my phone down on the night stand and placed my feet on the floor. I was so tired and my head was pounding. I got up and went to the bathroom to grab so advil for my head. I heard my phone ring but it was just a text message. I know it's not from Monster so I didn't care to go look in a rush.

I went downstairs and to the kitchen. Yonna was feeding the babies and Austin was in his high chair knocked out.

Hey babe this came for you like 30 minutes ago. Yonna said giving me this envelope. I took it from her hand and it was a letter from Micah. I hated Micah for admitting that he was the one that shot me. How could you do that on purpose? Micah said he loved me and cared for me and those was his true intentions? He knew everything that I went through and was going through. Why did you want to take your son mother away from him? I often couldn't help but to think he's actually covering for someone else. I know losing both your parents could make you do crazy things but Micah presented so much love for me that I felt like he couldn't really do that.

I tossed the letter on the other counter and leaned into my baby kissing him. He was falling asleep. He was so handsome. I took Austin out his chair cleaned him up and layed him down upstairs in my bed. My phone started ringing lighting up and it was Monster calling me.

Hello? I answered annoyed.

What's up baby girl? He asked out of breath.

Umm what do you mean you going to be staying at a friends house for a while?

I can't really say to much over the phone but one of mine is in a bit of trouble and I wouldn't feel right if something happened to them if I wasn't there.

Something like what Ja'Kari?

Like them getting kilt or something! Look I can't talk over the phone Ight. Ima be home soon. Just call me if you need me Ight.

Umm not it ain't no Ight, you acting crazy and I don't care to talk to you right now! I said before hanging up. I threw my phone on the bed and Yonna was walking in with my baby. I took him out her arms and wiped his face with his bath towel she had around him. I laid him down and put his diaper on.

Hi my handsome baby! I smiled Making him smile.

What's wrong? Yonna asked before she walked out.

Nun, why?

Cause you had that look on your face....

What look?

That look like something is bothering you, look!

It's just that...if you and Sean was married and he told you that he's staying at a friends cause he was worried about they safety and he isn't gonna be able to come home for a while how would you take that?

I'd be pissed cause what you mean? Who is the friend? And why do a grown ass person need you to watch them or whatever especially if y'all all good niggas.! Did Monster say that to you?

Yeah and I'm just wondering all the things you said and my initial thoughts are is he cheating?

I mean honestly Queen I'd be worried but I know Monster is a great guy and he wouldn't take it that far as to fuckin around on you. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt...

So you think I should just drop it and let him handle whatever he's dealing with.

Yeah but in the same sense keep your mind open to everything cause niggas is really bold now a days.

That's a fact.....ima just....I don't know shit just hit different when your married. This isn't a kid relationship anymore we are together as one we's different!

Yeah I know but like I said keep an open mind but let him deal with whatever's he dealing with. Feel for how he's acting on the phone or when you call him and shit. Just keep an open mind that's all.

I am!

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