Chapter 45

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You need help? Micah asked as I walked to my house door.

No... just bring the baby in!

He can stay with me a lil longer Queen!

Yeah but you guys are planning your moms funeral. I can take care my son.

My mom already had her funeral planned out and paid for after my dad passed.

Oh wow...I'm sorry to hear about her passing honestly Micah! She was a phenomenal lady! And I loved her a lot. I know you did to.

Thanks she was! And she liked you a lot to. I'm just happy To have had her than to not have her at all.

If you need anything I'm here for you! Losing a parent isn't easy. And yet alone you just lost both.

I just gotta take it one day at a time.

Yes you do!

A black Buick pulled up and this well dressed lady got out the back seat and a man in a tux stood by the door as she walked up my driveway. Me and Micah both looked at each other.

Queen Dae? She asked with a smile.

Yes? I asked unsure if I should really answer that.

Hi I'm Mrs.

Mrs. Valve....your my moms attorney! Micah said cutting her off.

Yes....yes I am! May I come in?

Yeah sure! I said as I opened the house door and we all stepped into the house. I brought her to the living room and we sat on the couch as Micah went back to the car to get the baby out.

Miss Dae, I am Magic Jackson lawyer and she left you somethings in her and her grandson! It's my job to make sure you get those. Her also last wish was for you not to tell anybody not even her own son Micah! She said fast watching the window. She popped open her brief case and handed me a huge orange envelope!

My card is in there with my number and all other ways to contact me if you ever need me or have any questions. She said getting up. "Remember don't let anyone know!" She said sternly. I put the envelope under the seat and stood up as Micah walked back into the house.

You to be easy! She said before walking out.

What was that about?

Oh nothing she was just telling me that she's my new lawyer if I ever needed one.

Oh...okay I have to get home my sister is there with the babies!

Babies? I questioned.

Yeah Major and Alan....

Oh! I said cutting him off so he couldn't finish that.
"She's your daughter?"

Uhhh can we talk about this some other time? I gotta go! You sure you'll be okay I know yo dude not here and all...


Monster? Didn't he leave to go back to New York? You broke up with him finally! I mean it's good you did it is his fault you got shot Queen!

Look what I do in my relationship isn't any of your concern. We share a kid and that's all!

Okay......Queen I'm just saying not everybody is ment to be good to you just be careful! He said before walking out the door. I rolled my eyes at what he just said. I wasn't the one to give to many chances and Micah said before the whole time I was in the hospital he never came to see me or anything. And on that day he did it was the last few minutes before visiting hours was over and yeah I told him to leave but he didn't fight for me or anything I knew he didn't care. It hurted the most that he wasn't there for me even that I'm home now. I thought I ment something to him but I guess not!

I looked at my sleeping handsome son and he was knocked out. How did I get so lucky to have him. I swear he's never gonna have to go through any hurt I went through.

I pulled the envelope from underneath the cushions and sat down. I was confused about what could of been in here and the fact that Mrs Jackson actually left me In her will.

"Dear Queen

From the moment I met you I knew you was something special. Your an amazing young girl and your story really touched my heart. I love how you are still determined after all you ever been through. You may have not been my biological daughter but I will always love you like one. I love my grandson so much! He's so amazing. Please teach him to be kind and loving and everything that you are. Your a beautiful mother and I wanna make sure you never struggle again!"

I wiped my tears from the paper and held up the rest of the papers. It was a deed to 50 acres of land with my name and my son name on it. A check deposit slip with 25 billion dollars and another 50 billion dollars for my son! The titles to, two brand new cars a Tesla Model X and A 20224 Gwagon!

I started to cry harder this was amazing I was completely blown away.

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