Chapter 48

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I took my bandage off for the last time. My stomach was healing so perfectly. I thought I'd never have a pretty stomach again but the more I used this scare be gone coco butter lotion the better my scare got.

Hey what time is your graduation? Yonna asked coming into my room.

It's gonna be on the 15gh it's a Saturday at 11am!

Okay, good I thought they was on the same day I was about to freak out.

Why what day is yours? I asked looking up.

It's Friday the 14th noon!

Oh shit! Damn we got our shit back to back! I laughed.

Yeah I was bouta be mad as hell!

Girl me to! You found outfits yet?

Yeah, wbu you?

I think I found somethings I like but idk I just gotta wait to see what they look like when they get here. I lost so much weight from being shot I'm gonna have to buy a whole new wardrobe! I said as I walked into my room to get my phone. "I found this really nice romper that flowed at the bottom. That came on the shoulders with the back out. I was gonna pair it with a pair of my black open toe heels. My second outfit this the one I wanted to wear for my graduation pictures. Was a plead white school girl skirt with a navy blue sweat shirt and a white button up under it. Paired with some navy blue open toe heels or some nude heels! On the skirt it had "graduate" my high school nickname, and my graduation date on the Pleiades of the skirt written in navy blue and on the navy blue sweat shirt it said the same thing in white and in glitter with some other stuff on it."

Oweeee I seen these that's so cold! She said in excitement.

I know right! I can't wait! It's all suppose to come between tomorrow and Thursday so my fingers crossed.

It'll be here soon! I can't believe we really bouta graduate like this is so real. I love how you never let any of your trials and tribulations stop you from
Doing anything like you really a bomb ass mom and student! You made me a better me bro I swear I'm so proud of you!

Awwww thanks Yonna!!! Don't start that crying shit now! I laughed hugging her. "Look I'm proud of you to! You came a long way Yonna! We did this together I wouldn't be as half ass successful if it wasn't for you! I said hugging my sister again. Yonna really did come an extremely long way. I remember first meeting her going through so much and now she's just bossing all the way up. She even started her own business and everything. I loaned her the money to get her started and she took right off with her Esthetician business. When we move to New York she was going to open her a building up and even take an actual class to become license. I was so proud of her and her relationship was going super strong. My girl was flourishing in life and I loved that for her!

The door bell started ringing and I went downstairs to go answer the door. I lady stood in my face. I was taken back by her beauty. She stood tall and dressed nicely. Her hair was done and pinned up in a bun with a few curls coming down. She had a fresh manicure and dressed in a black blouse, some black slacks, and some baby doll flat shoes. She looked extremely nice.

Hi Queen! She smiled shyly.

Why are you here? I asked biting the side of my lip.

Look I know you are not a big fan of me right now but I really, really, wanna make amends with you Queen I can't express that enough!


Because I was wrong and I'm sorry! I'm clean, I'm sober, and nothing in this world can come close to showing you how Bad I feel for doing and allowing the things that happened to you.

You'll never know how I feel or how this affected me! I been some of the worst shit of my life because of you and because your clean now im just suppose to open my arms and welcome you into my life?

Im not saying that....

Well that's what it seems like! In all honesty im not ready to forgive you or forget anything I pray and pray that you stay clean and keep doing well and maybe some day in my life I will began you pray that god removes the hate I have for you. He removes the pain you caused me....but as of right now im not ready for that! I'll reach out when im ready! Take care! I said sincerely closing my door. I could hear the sobbing from the other side of the door. Why did I all of a sudden feel bad?

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