Chapter 85

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I grabbed the diaper bag and picked up the car seat making my way downstairs to the door to meet Monster. He was picking the kids up today and they was staying a few days with him.

Everything is in the diaper bag and his book bag. Austin isn't really feeling good so i put some Tylenol in there to just in case. Uh give him one Milligram.
Umm what else...

Queen I got it! They straight!

Yeah but a few things have changed like their appetites and stuff so just pay attention.

I'm their father I know how to take care my kids Queen.

Not about to argu with you I said what I said just pay attention.

I'm not tryna argue with you either. I appreciate you even giving them to me for a few days.

Yup enjoy it!

You need anything?

Monster stop talking to me like you actually give a fuck. You wasn't worried about home when you was with the next bitch don't act like you worried now. IM GOOD!

I know you good, you always good! Look can we just talk?

Talk about what?

Us! This situation! Just let me explain please let's talk like adults.

Monster you didn't wanna sit down and talk like adults when you made the decision to gone ahead and do what you did. But at some point you have to stop and think about what you did and how your doing what your doing is going to effect other people.

And I get that, I do! You right I wasn't thinking when I just jumped up and did that dumb shit baby I truly apologize for that shit but my intentions was just to protect her until I had some security system made up for her.

Why do you care about her so much?

I don't! I gave her ma word that I would protect her it's the least I could do for her.

Why does that matter?

Ight ima put it like this Queen, you know ima man of my word if I say ima do something than I'm do it. If we was to break up and get a divorce ima still take care of Ja'Kari because I gave you ma word right?! Now if we divorced and I did the total opposite you be pissed off right?!

Yeah but....

No buts hear me out. Since we even considered ourselves to ever be in a relationship with each other Have I ever gave you a reason to ever think anything different.


Okay than! I apologize for going behind your back and being with someone when I should of told you what was up from the jump I literally didn't think nothing of it when I did it I just did it and didn't realize what I was actually doing or how this would look to you. I can admit my wrongs cause ima grown ass man. The time I was staying there I never touched her. She tried to fuck me so many times and I didnt even budge. It just burns me up inside because while I was trying to help her and look out for her she kept trying to fuck me and bring up the fact that I have a wife and how it's suppose to be her in your spot and shit. I did so one thing and it's neither wrong or right. One of the last arguments she took my gun off the coffee table and held it to her head to shoot herself. She was really hurt and crying and you could tell that was the icing on the cake for her cause she was about to end it, end it all! So like to deescalate the situation I kissed her taking the gun from her other than that she was panicking and crying historically. Other than that I never even touched her for anything.

You kissed her?

It was a small peck nothing major.

I was just starting to believe I think it's best we just take a break from each other for right now and maybe go to therapy because I'm not going to be okay so.

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