Chapter 91

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I handed in all my work at the end of my class and grabbed my stuff. I felt like I was breezing by this semester.

Queen right? This girl asked who was sitting next to me asked.


I'm Maddie! I'm in your Math class as well. I was just wondering if you had a few minutes?

Uhh sure what could I help you with?

I actually just have a few questions about the math assignment. I know you already did yours and I was just having a little bit of trouble.

What part are you stuck on?

Uhhh the second part where she's talking bout 2x+6x-0 does it end in a positive or negative.?

Okay so to get your answer for that you actually have to do the math add and subtract.! So for that one you wanna add both like terms and than you'll get your answer. Which will be 8x and your answer is positive because x is a positive number.

Ohhh okay! Damn thank you i don't know how that shit just sounded so easy.

Yeah it's tricky sometimes! I laughed a bit.

Thank you!

Yeah no problem! I grabbed my bag to walk out the class. I made my way to my car and a note was on my windshield. I grabbed it off looking around and nobody really was out here. I got in the car and locked the doors pulling off. In case someone was following me I wasn't going straight home. In fact I pulled up to the trap because I didn't feel comfortable.

What's up baby what you doing here? Monster asked as he got out his car.

I just didn't feel comfortable enough going home! I said handing him the note that was on my car.

Ight I'm just handling a lil business come in and I'll take you in a short.

Okay.! He walked me upstairs to his office and than I realized how much I actually hated niggas.!

This was on there today? He asked reading it.

Yeah when I just walked out of school.

She's going to find out real soon on why they call me "Monster!"

Why do they call you Monster? I asked with a smirk.

Cause when I get mad enough my head start spinning I grow claws, my skin turns read and I grow horns.

Can you please! I said bussing out laughing.

Real shit! How was school?

It was okay I'm passing all my classes!

That's good. Ima be finished up here in a minute you gone be Ight for a min?

Yeah I'm fine.

Ight! He leaned in to kiss me and I kissed him back. We couldn't help but smile at each other when we pulled apart. He grabbed his phone from the desk and went downstairs closing his door a bit.

I could see and hear the girls in the next room they was naked eating some food.
"So did y'all see Monsters Wife?" The one girl asked.
"Yeah she Ight! He should be with me wit his fine ass!!" Another one said.
"Girl you is a hater that lady is pretty as hell! You just mad cause you can't suck his dick no more!"the third girl said.
"I ain't fuck with Monster and I don't know how long that's gone always be my nigga though!"
"Girl your delusional as fuck! You gave that man some head from time to time so how that's yo man again"? The one girl asked making the other one laugh.

I got up and sat at his desk and opened my laptop them bitches in there had a mouth full. The door swung open and a very mad Shalease was standing there.

What the hell you doing here? She asked pissed.

Waiting for my husband, what's up? I asked annoyed sitting back.

Oh yeah, yall is married now or whatever.

Mmm yeah you know a big happy family!

Why you think you can play family with my son?

The son I take care of? Shalease I already told you plenty of times I don't wanna be his mother that's your job but I have no problem loving that lil boy as if he was my own which I do without your permission because I'm there for him everyday not you! I don't push my kid away to just anybody I stand up and be a woman and take care of mines everyday and never chase after a nigga who doesn't want me.

That's right you just go to another state and steal someone else's right?!

Sweetheart y'all was never together why are you bitches so delusional? You was a gutta bitch and that's it! Pop yo shit and be mad at somebody else.

No cause it's bitches like you who swear up and down they the shit! Only got shit cause they fuck with Monster.

Excuse you? Sweetheart I was a multimillionaire way before I met Monster. Everything he does and did was extra and that's what happens when you can reciprocate that same energy. I ain't never have to beg for money from him like you hoes.

What that's supposed to make you better than us? I broke his heart if I didn't I promise you he wouldn't of never looked to way. I can have my family back at the snap of my fingers if I wanted to.

Than do it! I said standing up. "Do it, snap ya fingers and take him!" "Cause you and I both know you ain't nothing but a pathetic, bad body, no shape having, dirty dusty wig wearing, cheap 5 below clothes wearing, pussy poppin, funny smell to you having ass, wanna be, fake purses and jewelry, crooked teeth, set a nigga up, don't take care her son, child beater, BROOKE, BUM ass BITCH!"

And you think you better than me hoe? Your a fuckin square that's why he cheats on you every chance he gets you'll never have him like you think you do.

Ima always have him like I know I do! Your mad and your going to try and say anything you can to piss me off when I'm speaking facts! Now leave MY HUSBANDS office please!

Bitch I don't gotta go no where!

Oh you don't? I grabbed my phone and called Monster.

"What's up bae?"

You have someone who needs to be removed from your office and the premisses.

"Who is it?"


"Ight security on the way up!" He said and I hung the phone up.

See I told you not to play with me and y'all hoes gone keep thinking ima joke until I start making examples out of y'all. "Shalease I didn't want no problems with you but some fuckin reason I don't know maybe jealousy or something but it's like you just can't help yourself can you?"

Cause your a weak bitch!

Far from it! I smiled than sitting back down security came in and she pushed past them. They followed her out and I cut my eyes at the break room where all those girls was listening and standing at the door. I smirked a bit and returned to my laptop.

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