Chapter 4

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You got him? Monster asked helping me sit up as he layed my baby in my arms.

Yeah can you hand me the blanket it's cold in here.

I took my boob out and began to nurse him. He was latching on to my nipple pretty well. I tried to do it exactly how the nurse told me to. Monster wrapped the blanket around me and the baby and turned the heat up.

It was 3am and we both was in such awe looking at him. After I gave birth I immediately went to sleep. Monster stayed up with the baby while I slept. He did not let the nurses come in and take him. But they did come in every two hours and check on him and me. I finally had enough strength to hold my son.

A knock filled the door before it opened. "Ms Dae you have visitors!" My nurse said coming into my room. She was followed in by Micah, his mom and sister and brother.

Ima go get a coffee or something! Monster said getting up.

Okay. He bent down and kissed my forehead than Ja'Karis. Micah looked completely annoyed like he was about to say something. "You guys can come all the way in!" I said excitedly. I put my boob away and began to burp my son. He was waking up a bit.

Oweee I'm really a grandma! Hi little guy! His mom said with tears in her eyes. He looked right at her. "Hi I'm your grandma! Well your glamma cause I not old, I too young to be a granny! Your so precious!" She squealed in baby talk so excited making me laugh.

Micah would you like to meet your son? I asked pulling the covers down some so he can see his face. He came over and stood on the side of me.

Hey man, I'm your daddy! He said wiping his tears.

What's his name? His sister asked sitting the teddy bear and balloons down on the window seal.

It's Prince Ja'Kari Dae....Ja'Kari for short! I smiled at my son.

He's not a Jackson? Everybody asked at once.

Why you didn't give my son my last name? Micah asked pissed.

My son had my last name because he don't need some half ass lil boy who don't really know if he wants to be a father or not to him last name. Look I don't wanna do this with you right now!

Nah cause that's fucked up Queen!

No what's messed up is you not being here for the birth of my son. What's messed up is you choosing her over us.

Y'all both was in labor what did you want me to do? You had homeboy!

And she had her sister! That's the problem you always putting her first! My son doesn't matter to you. Your just now coming in here. What she sleep or something?

I'm just now getting time to.

Micah I gave birth at's going on 3:30am! You had plenty of time. That's exactly why my son has my last name.

And who name is Ja'Kari than? You couldn't give my son anything of mine?

It's mine! Monster said coming back into the room. I wasn't gonna hide the meaning behind my son name but I know how much Micah and Monster did not like each other. The room got silent and Micah got pissed off even more.

Oh I'll be wrong if I asked for a DNA test though! He said pissed off.

You can get one! What you wanna do make sure your neglecting the right fuckin baby? You need to get one with that bitch seeing how she had already got pregnant on you before! It ain't like you do shit for my son anyways.

Okay, enough! Enough! His mom yelled all the yelling and arguing made my baby cry. She took him from my hands and went and sat on the couch.

Okay cool off bro you know that's yo son! Lil mans look just like you! Like literally like you don't do that! His brother said catching his attention.

Nah cause ain't nobody gone name a baby after somebody else who kid it's not! Like you want my son to be yours so bad.

Nigga what? I got a fuckin son! My son is well taken care of just how ima do that lil boy over there. You mad at me cause I stepped up and did all the shit for her that you should of did! Ma Nigga you mad at the wrong one. I ain't never even touch her or even kissed her she was already pregnant before I even met her. You put her on the back bored and fucked with shorty over there. I simply made sure she was well taken care of. I made it to every doctors appointment for her, bought the stroller and car seat, painted Lil bra room, put his crib up and bought his clothes and shoes. Shit a real man suppose to do not sit around and wait for somebody to ask them to do it. Just like you came and pulled up to her house you could of did the same shit any ole other time. Just how you was buying diapers and wipes for one baby you could of did the same exact shit for her at the same exact time. But wanna be mad at me for stepping up cause you lacking, cause you act like you can't take care of two kids. It ain't about you or her it's bout JA'KARI! You in love with her but can't do for yo child Nigga you childish! Monster yelled grasping everybody attention.

Alright enough. This is a newborn baby and y'all arguing up in here. She just gave birth this ain't happening! His mom yelled. She layed my baby back in my arms and pushed her son out the room.

Congratulations again Queen! I'll see y'all when y'all come home you got my number?! His sister said.

Yeah I'll text you and you can come over!

Man fuck him! Micah yelled out in the hallway. I looked out the door and he was going back into Halos room.

Congratulations Queen. If you need anything on my brothers behalf I'll be more than happy to do it! Machi said giving me a side hug.

Thank you Machi! Thanks for coming you too. I guess it's time for y'all to meet y'all niece.

That's his niece not mine I told him he need a DNA test on that one. I'm only claiming one baby and that's that little boy right there! I know for a fact he is his! I don't trust that damn girl! His sister said rolling her eyes and Twisting her lips making me laugh.

Look I don't got nun to do with that! Machi laughed as they walked out.

You okay? I asked monster laying Ja'Kari in the bassinet.

Yeah I'm good! I'm always good. It just be niggas like that you gotta son sometimes. Nigga wanna confess is fuckin love for you but ain't said shit about taking care his son. It's cool though he gone be good!

I could tell monster was extremely pissed off the way he sat shaking his leg and in his phone. I can't believe this full blown argument bussed out right here in front of my baby. We both couldn't handle the stress. Everything's was fine before they even came in here.

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