Chapter 94

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I watched Ja'Kari sleep all night. This was the first time he ever seemed so vulnerable and peaceful in his sleep. I could tell that he was holding that in for so long. Like he was actually able to sleep tonight. I rubbed his back and gave him endless kisses while he slept. I just wanted him to know that I loved him. I always known that he was dangerous person but I just didn't know how dangerous he was. And the fact he contained his self so much around Micah he could of been ended his life effortlessly multiple times. Micah's father was the killer not Micah he would of never stand a chance against Monster honestly probably not even his father. But I could tell he changed his ways and the monster his mom created was a different beast from the one he is now. That one is detained sleeping on a very short tight leash. I don't ever want him to feel like that again because that's dangerous. Im glad he was able to talk about his past for once and open up to me in a different level. I know this helped him a lot.

Our alarm went off and I hurried up and silenced it. I stroked his waves and kissed his neck softly as he began to wake up.

It's time? He asked with his eyes closed.


How long you been up?

All night?

His eyes opened up and he looked at me. "All night?" He questioned.

I just wanted to watch you sleep!

You being a creep? He asked with a half smile cuddling up to me more burying his head into my chest more.

No I just love you so much! I explained kissing his head rubbing his hair.

Ight.! What time is it?

6am! It's time to get up our plane is leaving at 7.

He rolled his eyes and got up. He grabbed his phone to check it and I got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth washed my face and got in the shower really quick. He came in and peed while I showered before getting in.

I got out soon as I was done cause he was already licking his lips dick hard as hell and we was not missing this flight! Plus I still needed a break last night was the only time we didn't have sex. We did it literally every where so many times I needed a break.  It was like he was in sex over drive. I hurried up and got dress in a simple sweat suit and layed his stuff out for him to get dress than sat out bags outside for security to take downstairs to our car.

He got out and dried off finally getting dress. With only 5 minutes to spare we was on our way out. I had such an amazing time here and I learned so much. I felt like this was much needed and we connected in a whole nother level which brought our marriage to another level. It was much needed.

We got on our private plane and I went straight to the back to the bedroom and got right in the bed. I was so tired.

You not coming to lay with me? I yelled up to him. I didn't see who he was talking to.

Give me a minute baby I'm about to do a meeting real quick! He yelled back sitting down and the flight attendant sat his laptop in front of him. I rolled
My eyes it was always so many meetings.

I closed the door and got right under the covers and started to drift off to sleep. I was sleep before the plane even took off.

I was woke up my the sliding door opening. Monster was coming into the room. He took his hoodie off and came and got in the bed next to me.

You mad at me?

No! I said with one eye open turning to him.

Better not be! He smiled...."or you wouldn't be getting this!" He giggled holding up a beautiful pink diamond necklace in the air.

It's beautiful! I smiled sitting straight up he smiled and put it around my neck. I grabbed his face and kissed him. Y'all already know where this led to next!

We finished just in time as the plane had stopped at the airport. We was finally in Japan. I could not wait to see everything here.

I fixed myself and followed him off the plane. We was escorted to our car and our driver waited for us to take us to our hotel. I was so excited. It was so beautiful here!

What you want for dinner?

Not for nothing baby but American food please!

I know a place.....actually get dress in something elegant and sexy.

Like what? I don't have anything like that?

I guess you gone have to go shopping huh? He smirked. He opened one of those black bags from Honduras and it was literally filled to the top with money. He took out at least 20 stacks. "Here go shopping!"  He said handing them to me. My mouth dropped. "I'll have the car pick you up downstairs and take you to the mall. Security will go with you to hold your bags!"

Seriously? Baby I don't need all this.! I giggled in excitement.

Take it, I'll see you in a few! He said kissing my cheek and picking up his phone. I stuffed the money into my birkin and ran out the door. I was so excited to go shopping that's my love language.

My shopping experience was amazing. Security translated everything for me and I was having such an amazing time. I found a beautiful black dress that was long sleeves, back out, and came down into a tail in the back with some black red bottom pumps. I was gonna look amazing in this.

Shortly after I got dress it was time to go. I met my husband downstairs by the car and he was looking so good. He was dressed in some black slacks and a white button down shirt and a white blazer.

Hi handsome! I smiled getting in the car.

What's up beautiful! He said blushing.

This date was amazing not only was the place he took me had amazing food but it was so elegant and grown. After we ate we danced hand and hand slow dancing in the middle of the dance floor together. My life was like a fairytale right now. And I couldn't ask for it to be with anybody better.

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