It all starts with a goodbye

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I wasn't gonna post this before finishing one of my other fics, but honestly I have like 5 chapters of this story ready and I couldn't wait.

I'll try weekly updates!


On the 31st of July in 1980 not one, but two new Potters were born. Lily and James had insisted they wanted to wait until the war was over before they got any children, but once Lily got pregnant they couldn't abort their babies, even though it was done with a simple spell.

James had been anxious the whole 9 months of Lily being pregnant, not just about becoming a father, but also because the war was getting worse each day. And he knew a lot of bad things happened to children in war time, man, his own childhood was an example for that.

He had faced Voldemort three times in his childhood; Sirius, him, Remus and Peter had been so young and almost died a couple of times, the power Voldemort had, was something no one could even begin to comprehend. He was scared for his children, anything could happen to them with a mad man with that much power running around England.

But when he first looked at his children he got hope- hope for their future, their lives would be better than his.- so the only logical thing to do was call his daughter Hope, Hope Lily Potter was his daughter, the younger of the two. Lily had rolled her eyes, but agreed immediately after telling James that she got to name their baby boy.

Lily had looked at the boy and whispered, "Harrison- Harry."

That's the story of how those two twins- Harrison (Harry) James Potter and Hope Lily Potter- were born.

Lily and James had already agreed to make Sirius godfather, who had jumped them in his dog form when they told him, licking James face while Lily laughed at them.

And both of them had immediately noticed Sirius might like Harrison a bit more, buying him a child- broomstick when he was only 6 months old, Harry had loved it, Lily however hadn't.

In the end all of them noticed that the two children were totally different, in every way possible. Harrison seemed to understand everything that happened around him, he had control over his magic in a way they had never seen such a young child control their magic before, summoning toys from the other side of the room just to pick them up afterwards and start playing.

And yes, he might've hit Remus in the head a couple of times while summoning his 'padfoot' toy, but honestly, what did you expect? He wasn't even a year old.

Where Harrison understood everything and had total control over his magic, Hope didn't. She would look around the room clueless and start screaming when Sirius asked her if she wanted to play, obviously thinking Mommy and Daddy left again- Sirius used to babysit when Lily and James had to leave for a couple of hours. She had also broken the room with her magic a lot of times, to the point where James and Sirius put a permanent shield charm around the room, it wasn't strong, but it was enough to stop Hope's magic.

But besides all their differences they were both loved, everyone in the order would- quite literally- die for them and they were never alone. Whether it was Sirius and Remus playing with them for hours or McGonagall taking care of them when Lily felt overwhelmed, they never had to be alone. The only time no one was with them was at night and even then their parents could come to them in one second if something were to happen.

So when Dumbledore told them about the prophecy, the whole order immediately tried to do everything to protect them, in the end everyone decided that putting a Fidelius charm on their home was the safest option. Sirius had said no to the offer of being secret-keeper, telling everyone that the godfather being secret-keeper would be too obvious. So James and Lily had asked Peter, because Remus was already struggling enough trying to avoid Fenrir, who was still trying to find his 'cub'.

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