Don't abuse your power!

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I'm just constantly plottwisting myself here. 

"It is said that a descendant of Salazar Slytherin was prophesised to rise up during this time, to bring back the country from the Dark Creatures." Lily said, as she leant against her desk, "No such thing happened interestingly enough, instead the vampires were quickly driven away by Muggles who were making up fantasy stories of their existence, saving our lives and secrecy in the process."

Harrison sighed, sitting back in his chair as Lily told them another story about Muggles influence on the Wizarding World, he supposed they should be glad it wasn't all about the Goblin wars, as the classes had been for years, if he had to believe the older students.

"Do you think any of this will actually be in the O.W.Ls?" The Ravenclaw girl next to him asked; that was another thing, Lily made them sit next to random people, Harrison didn't necessarily mind, but it was still slightly annoying.

"Nah, you should just read through the course book." Harrison said, "None of this is actually of importance."

"Anything you wish to share with the rest of the class, Harrison?" Lily spoke up and Harrison glanced around. Amused faces of his friends made up the majority of the group.

"Actually, I was just telling how none of what you're telling right now will actually be in the O.W.Ls. As the O.W.Ls program will mainly focus on the three major wars and the political background of those, as well as the founders times and witch trials."

Lily smiled way too sweetly, "Well if you're so certain, then why don't you just-"

"Don't finish that sentence, Mrs Potter, because he actually will." Another Ravenclaw spoke up, Lily sighed, but continued her story as earlier. Harrison suspected he would already get a note to visit Dumbledore in his office later this evening.

He was correct of course, the letter came during dinner, surprising the people around him, when it got dropped on the middle of the table, between all the food.

It was a short note, stating just a time. Harrison snorted as he looks up, "Dumbledore." He said to all the questioning glances.

"Already?" Terence asked, being a year above him, so not having heard about the history class.

Fred and George started telling him about it, as if it was some epic story.

"Lily really does suck as a History teacher." Terence agreed, "She keeps telling weird stories that shouldn't matter, especially for the NEWTs, too." He turned to Harrison specifically then, "Be careful in Dumbledore's office, though."

"I'm always careful." Harrison answered.

"I mean it," Terence said, "Cedric, he heard some things from the Weasley's, Molly specifically. That whole thing with Ginny, I think they are prepared to go further than you think to get power over you."

"Poisoning?" Harrison questioned softly, so no one else would hear and Terence answered.

"Among other things."

"But I thought Dumbledore trust-"

"He thinks he has you under control now," Terence said, "If I have to trust Ced, and I do, you should be careful."

"Fuck, okay, thanks Terence." He said as he scanned the letter, only for a list of spells to return already. Mostly spells that would release certain fumes when burned. "He's crazy." He murmured.

He turned the letter into a stone, "Fred, George?" He asked, "Could you two throw this stone into the black lake?"

They seemed confused but nodded.

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