Start summer break

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I was too lazy to proofread since I just finished writing and its 2am, I lowkey just wanna binge tv shows now.

Have fun? Enjoy?


When Harrison sat down in the train back to London, he hadn't expected Fred and George to ask to talk to him. What he expected even less was the twins admitting they didn't know where they could stay this summer.

He had of course questioned the twins, because why the hell didn't they say anything sooner? But, he did still offer them to stay with him at the Grimmaulds place, he knew Remus nor Sirius would mind to have the young pranksters stay with them. He was honestly surprised that the twins hadn't met Sirius or Remus yet, beside their classes.

He doubted the twins even knew that they were the marauders, since Harrison only called them padfoot or Moony in private.

The twins seemed thankful and told him they would find him before they arrived, then they went to find some of their classmates.

"You sure Sirius won't mind?" Draco asked, "I mean you didn't even ask if they could stay over, you just told them they could without discussing."

"Have you ever met Sirius Orion Black? He won't mind." Harrison snorted, "He's like a small child. I'm honestly afraid that the house will be a prank battlefield this break."

"If you need to escape, you can always visit." Blaise said sympathetically, most of the other Slytherins agreed immediately.

"I could probably stay at Voldy's place, too, if I really wanted." Harrison said, "He'll be annoyed, sure, but when is he not?"

The Slytherins fell silent and Harrison sighed, "I really should stop doing that, bringing Voldy up in normal conversation. All of you are so afraid to say anything about him."

"Of course we are, we were taught to fear him." Millicent responded, "He's still the Dark Lord, no matter how hard you try to prove he changed."

"'The Dark Lord' is just another title made by wizards who feared other wizards a while ago." Harrison said and Millicent rolled her eyes, "That might be true, doesn't stop us from fearing him though."

"He'll be delighted that you said that," Harrison sounded amused, "I mean, that's all he's ever wanted- besides his political goals- getting people to fear him enough."

"Don't you fucking dare tell him anything we say to you about him."

Harrison sighed, "Fine, but only because I'm just that nice. Oh and I like keeping secrets."

"We noticed." Pansy said and Harrison suddenly realised he never told the truth to the rest of his Slytherin friend group.

"I never told them, did I?" He turned to Blaise and Draco, both of them shook their heads.

"Damn, I'll still have to do that."

"Why don't you just tell them now?" Draco asked, Harrison looked around at all the curious looks. "It kind of takes away the fun, doesn't it?"

"I don't know, I mean, they will finally stop complaining to you about not knowing." Blaise said and Harrison shrugged, "Fine, I'll tell you all."

"Fucking finally." Theo said and Harrison sighed, "October 31, 1981 Voldemort decided to finally do something about the prophecy he heard a while ago. The prophecy stated that a child with the power to destroy him would be born at the end of July. What Voldemort didn't know is that because of the fact that he decided to attack, the child would get that power, however that doesn't matter, I just think it's funny that Voldy made that mistake.

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