Ravenclaw's Diadem

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I have returned, though this was written like really fast (Somehow I got to 5k words?) 


"Expecto Patronum" Harrison said, though only a mist appeared. He sighed, "is this spell even possible?"

"Believe us, it is." Sirius laughed, "It takes a while for everyone though, usually people have to practise for a month before even getting mist."

"Yeah, but that's usually. I have never done anything with 'usual speed'. It took me only a month to become an animagus."

"A month?" Remus asked, "That's impressive."

"We spend five months and we had extra motivation to do it," Sirius said, slightly surprised at the fact that Harrison became an animagus in a single month. Even the most powerful wizards tend to spent multiple months.

"Yeah," Harrison shrugged.

"I think I know what you're doing wrong," Remus said then, "You're thinking of a happy memory sure, but you're not quite feeling the emotion you felt in that moment. Try to really relive it and feel the same kind of happiness again. This spell is all about pushing protective emotions into it, mainly happiness."

Harrison slowly nodded, "I think I can do that?"

He closed his eyes trying to search for one of his happiest moments. It was the day the founders adopted him, he tried to really imagine what his just-turned-10 year old self was feeling. The shock, but also the overwhelming happiness that almost made him cry.

"Expecto Patronum." He whispered one again, this time he could see the start of an animal forming, though it quickly turned into mist again.

Sirius and Remus literally cheered for him, "That was amazing, did you see that Moony?" Sirius shouted and Remus laughed and nodded.

"I am so glad we actually get to see the process of you learning a spell, it's quite- amazing for lack of other words." Remus muttered, Sirius nodding in agreement.

Harrison grinned.

"I think we should call it a day, though." Remus said then, Harrison looked at him, "I can handle more."

"We know you can, but I think your progress would be faster with breaks in between." Remus smiled and Sirius nodded in agreement, "You did great, pup."

"Thanks, pads." Harrison said, before sitting down on one of the tables, which were now all lined up in the back of the classroom.

"Even when I was a kid it took me max five times to get a spell right." Harrison said, "It's just weird to not be able to just do something."

"You never had any issues at all?" Sirius asked, one again looking kind of shocked. Which amused Harrison, people really should stop getting shocked when he tells them stuff like this.

"No, I mean, I was taught how to do Lumos when I was four, even back then I got it on my third try."

"You're crazy."

Harrison shrugged, "I might be, honestly, I don't know."

"You'll be able to do the Patronus before the end of this year, cub, I can promise you that much." Remus said and Harrison smiled, "Thank you- I mean really. I appreciate it."

"That doesn't mean you have the okay for Azkaban, yet." Sirius said and Harrison laughed, "Sure, I don't." then he hopped off the table, "I should go, I'm sure you guys have more than enough work to do without me wasting your time."

Sirius groaned, "No- don't let Moony force me to grade essay's again. This was my break, so please waste my time a bit longer."

Harrison smirked, "Bye- love you!" Before running away.

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