The founders

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Merlin knew he wasn't supposed to do this, but this time he had an excuse to come here- to come to the future.

He had heard about this child, seen so many different versions of them, but all of them started right here: on the doorstep of an abusive household. That wouldn't do.

He knew that they- the founders- won't like it at first, him kidnapping a child from the future. He would be patient, explain everything and beg them to please give him a chance, it was only for ten years.

Helga would be the first to accept, pretty quickly accepting the child into her family, she would later convince Rowena and Godric. Salazar would agree, saying he won't take a big part in raising the child, but slowly become fond of the child.

At least, that is how Merlin expected it would go.

He picked up the child and took a deep breath, time travelling took a lot of focus. He tried to find the exact time and space where he wanted to be: The four founders had a meeting right now, perfect.

He travelled back, it felt a lot like apparition, but faster. The speed was necessary; you had to travel faster than light.

When he opened his eyes again he was standing in the meeting room, all the founders looking at him.

He smiled at them and said, "hi."

"A baby!" Helga giggled rushing over to Merlin, "Can I?" She asked and Merlin nodded. Helga picked up little Harrison and Salazar raised an eyebrow, "So why did you bring this child here?"

Merlin looked around awkwardly for a few seconds and then started explaining, "This is little Harrison. He's from the year 1981."

"That's centuries away-" Rowena gasped and Merlin nodded, "Yeah- he's well. He's an important part of the future, but they left him. I brought him here to well.. be safe until he's eleven."

"Please- just tell the whole story, what do you mean important part of the future?" Salazar asked, looking at the child.

"Okay so where should I start-" Merlin muttered and Godric snorted, "The begin, please." Merlin glared at him and then started explaining, "There's well.. a dark lord, He's family to you actually, Salazar. He's a smart and powerful man, but went insane by making too many horcruxes. So when he heard a prophecy that a baby would defeat him, he immediately tried to kill the child. This is Harrison, the boy who he tried to kill, however Dumbledore- an absolute asshole with too much power from the future- told everyone his twin sister was 'the chosen one', he send poor Harrison here to an abusive family, so that his sister could get all the fame.

It's your jobs to raise him right and help him prepare for the future, if you accept of course, I'll be here now and then to give him some history classes about the 'future' – for him it will all be history. Don't worry too much about preparing him, his power is stronger than any power I've ever seen before and he has absolute control over it, even now. So, will you guys accept him?"

"That's a big responsibility-" Godric said and Salazar nodded, "But his other option is an abusive family?"

"Sadly, yes it is." Merlin answered and Salazar seemed to think before saying, "We'll- well at least I'll take him, I don't care what the rest thinks."

Well, that was surprising. Luckily the rest of the founders agreed pretty quickly after that and while they were passing the child around they started discussing who would teach what to the child.

"So I'll be here sometimes to teach him everything about the past and future, but I can't do anything else." Merlin said and the founders told him it's okay and thanked him for helping them, anyways. After that Merlin quickly said his goodbyes, telling everyone he had to return to his own time.

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