Founders vaults

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Me: let's make a /lh chapter with not too deep storylines!
Also me: Makes a chapter with a new dark story line about the founders pasts.


Harrison spend the rest of their vacation to Romania helping the dragon-handlers. He talked to more dragons than he talked to snakes in this one week he was here.

But, all good things must come to an end eventually. So after a week it was time for Harrison and his family to return home, they only had two weeks of their school break left and still needed to go to Diagon Alley. Harrison was almost sure that Fred and George had some school work they had to do, which they procrastinated till the end of summer break.

Teachers tended to give work to students in summer break, although they couldn't force them to do anything like they could any other vacation, the teachers still wanted you to make it. It was mostly purely some papers to write on some of the most important spells you were taught that year, so they didn't have to go over all the spells from the past year again.

Harrison- of course- didn't make any of the work, not even bothering. Mostly because, one the teachers all liked him, and two, He just didn't care enough. It's not like he would actually forget any of the spells he had known and used since he was like six.

"Pup, we are going to Diagon 'lley in a bit." Sirius said, while knocking on his door.

"Okay, I'll be there in a bit." Harrison replied, remembering last years school supplies shopping, the first day he spend back in this time.

"Siri, you still there?" He shouted then and the man replied, "Yup!"

"Can we go get the founders' portraits from Gringotts? " Merlin's portrait was hanging in the Black Library, he and Harrison spend a lot of time discussing certain ancient books they had both read.

"Sure! We'll hang them next to Merlin's." Sirius shouted back.

"Thank you, Padfoot."

Harrison forced himself to get out of bed, where he had crashed about an hour ago after duelling Moony. The werewolf was a pretty good dueller and Harrison actually had a fun time duelling him, even if he beat him every time.

When he finally decided to join the others, all of them were waiting at the fireplace.

"We're flooing?" Harrison groaned, "At least it's better than portkeys."

Sirius laughed, before stepping in the fire place first, the others followed, leaving Remus to go last.

"Where to first?" Remus asked and Harrison turned around, "Actually do you mind going to Borgin and Burkes first? I bought my book on twin wands there last year and it seemed interesting enough."

Remus turned to Sirius with a raised eyebrow, Sirius shrugged, so Remus nodded, "Lead the way kiddo."

Harrison scowled at the nickname, but started to head towards Knockturn Alley.

Fred and George seemed way too interested in the items in the shop. Fred actually picked up a mask similar to Death Eater masks and asked his brother, "You reckon we could get away with wearing this? Or would Voldy kill us."

"I'm pretty sure Voldy's too scared of Harrison to kill us."

Harrison snorted from the place he standing, looking at the poison they sold in this place, pure interest. It's not like he would actually buy poison.

"Who are we killing, pup?" Sirius asked way too cheerful, coming to stand next to him.

"No one, yet." Harrison said seriously, "Ask me again next year."

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