We wouldn't prank you - not with Tom here

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I'm late and this chapter is a bit shorter again, but I have been all over the place, I went on vacation twice (Still on vacation) Got covid, had to deal with a lot of shit for uni.

But here we are!

Only once Tom had healed completely- it was indeed slightly scarred over, but Harrison expected that to fade over time as well, leaving the perfect skin Tom was used to behind. And Harrison wasn't complaining about the scar, something about seeing Tom walk around shirtless with a giant scar just above his v-lines was pretty goddamn hot. – did they talk about the fact that someone who obviously knew Tom was the Dark Lord had attacked Tom and felt safe enough to do so in public.

Which probably meant he blended in pretty well with the rest of the Death Eaters.

"It could be one of Dumbledore's followers." Tom said out loud suddenly, "Taking a chance on my life."

"That means Dumbledore knew we were planning something." Harrison muttered.

"Right," Tom replied, "That still means that there's a traitor." He seemed almost hesitant to ask, as he opened his mouth to speak again. "And you're certain that it was not one of your-"

Harrison shook his head, "Certain, never, but if it was one of them they were all in on it. As everyone confirmed seeing others during the exact time."

"Should we make them swear on their magic?" Tom asked, "Just to be certain?"

Normally Harrison would immediately deny that, no he wasn't risking his friends magic, but this was about Tom and he couldn't deny something if it was about Tom's safety. "Would it make you feel better?"

"You know it would." Tom said, "But if you trust them without it, I do too."

"I'll ask them." Harrison said, "Charlie and Bill were with Sirius and Remus and I do trust Sirius and Remus fully."

Tom nodded in agreement, Sirius and Remus wouldn't endanger their son like that.

"So I will leave them for now, as they are outside the country again, but as soon as I see them, so in Charlie's case during the Triwizard tournament, Bill's later." Harrison said, "I do trust the Weasleys, they all betrayed their own family for us."

"Whatever you think will work," Tom agreed, "I'll try and search the ranks of my Death Eaters to see if someone is responsible there."

There was a knock on the door, Harrison and Tom both looked at the door as Tom said, "Enter."

"Sir-" It was a nervous house elf, Harrison looked down at the creature as Tom's face softened.

"What is it?" He asked the elf, the Slytherin elves were special to the family and Tom cared for them as deeply as any pureblood should care for their house elves.

Sadly, not many did care so much.

"Post, sir." The elf said, as his ears flapped happily. "It was urgent."

"Thank you, Tilly." Tom said, as he took the package from the elf. "Can you make sure the rest of the post is sorted properly?"

"Of course, sir!" The elf said quickly snapping away as Tom chuckled at the antics of the enthusiastic young elf.

"What is it?" Harrison asked and Tom looked at the package.

"Skeeter, apparently." He replied.

He opened the package and read the letter on top of a stack of papers and a few pictures of the quidditch tournament.

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