Philosophers stone

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Late and kind of rushed, I only just got home (10 pm) and have to get up really fucking early tomorrow.


The week before Halloween was a busy one for Harrison, he had to talk to Sirius and Remus about their side in the wizarding world. He had to prepare to get the stone, tell the Slytherins about his plan and convince them that he could do this alone.

He had figured out that the stone was indeed on the third floor corridor, if the big three headed dog meant anything. And he knew how to make a Cerberus sleep, just a bit of music made by charms. Easy.

But before he did all of that he wanted to speak to Fred and George Weasley, having them in his house, and distracting the others while he was gone, would be useful.

So here he was, sitting in an abandoned classroom waiting for the Weasley twins, he had send them a letter after all.

"Hey Harrikins-"

"- Dear little brother of us."

Harrison sighed, "Hey, okay so I figured out about the resorting."

"You did?" George asked, Harrison nodded, "Well, 3rd and 5th years get the chance to resort, so you're in luck. You just have to request a resorting and it'll be done."

"It's that easy?"

"Yeah, Dumbledore tried to hide this option, to manipulate students or whatever. But Sal told me about it." Harrison rolled his eyes at Dumbledore's stupidity, and then he was suddenly wrapped into two pairs of arms.

"Thank you." One of the twins said, but Harrison had to admit their voices sounded very similar and he didn't quite hear the difference.

"You're welcome," Harrison said, "I also wanted to ask if you could just do some pranks on Halloween, I'm on a mission and don't want anyone to know."

"Ohh, A mission you say-"

"- tell us about it, Harrikins." The twins said while letting go of Harrison and Harrison snorted, "You'll find out eventually, but please, distraction?"

"Of course," Fred said and now it was Harrison's turn to thank the twins. "Okay, I kind of have some business to deal with. But you can just go to Dumbledore's office and request the resorting for tonight."

"We will-"

"- Thank you, again." George said and they left.

Harrison was honestly surprised how easy that went. He felt like his conversation with Remus and Sirius would be a lot harder, which was where he was headed now.

Sirius and Remus were preparing for their classes tomorrow when Harrison walked into their living quarters, which they had showed him a few weeks ago.

"Hey, Moony, pads!" Harrison said, throwing himself on the couch in their living room.

"Pup!" Sirius said in surprise, before giving him a quick hug. Afterwards Remus also gave him a hug and then Harrison said, "I actually have something I want to talk about."

Sirius and Remus both shot him a curious look and sat down, Harrison sighed, "It's about the war."

"No! Don't feel forced that you have to do anything, fuck the prophecy." Sirius said and Harrison shook his head, chucking. "Don't worry, Padfoot, I'm not going to do some Gryffindor move and destroy the dark lord now." He said while pointing at the Slytherin crest on his school robes, "I just wanted to know what side you guys are on."

"Harrison- Harry, we don't want to influence your choice. We'd fight for you, whatever side you pick." Remus answered softly, Sirius nodding in agreement.

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