You sound absolutely insane again, you know that right?

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I didn't exactly expect this to be so plot heavy, then again, it was long overdue to get some plot going between all the fluff again!

The Death Eaters had indeed not kept quiet, that much was clear when Harrison and Tom woke up to an elf who had apparently been receiving gifts from hundreds of people all night.

Tom's birthday this year was going to be a spectacle and Harrison wasn't sure what the man thought of it. He didn't really mind, judging by the blank look on his face as another pile of gifts were moved into their wing. The sound of the elf was enough to guess how large the pile is.

"Happy birthday," Harrison giggled as he placed his head on Tom's bare chest. Tom huffed.

"I hope you enjoy unwrapping presents." He said and Harrison laughed, placing a kiss on Tom's collarbone.

"Why don't you call a meeting, make them unwrap the gifts themselves."

"I don't want anyone stealing any important heirlooms." Tom sighed as he smiled at Harrison. "And I wouldn't care if you stole anything, because you're you."

"So insightful." Harrison said, placing another kiss, this time closer to Tom's neck. Tom hummed in agreement, but stayed silent besides that. Harrison just moved so that he was more directly draped over Tom, inhaling Tom's scent as he placed his head in the crook of his neck.

Tom's arms wrapped around him as if it was second nature, "Don't fall asleep again." The man said and Harrison shook his head.

"I won't," He replied, "You're just comfortable and you smell nice."

"Actual compliments?" Tom asked, as if Harrison had never once said something nice to him.

Harrison placed another kiss on Tom's neck, "Get used to it, I have to be nice with it being your birthday and all."

Tom moved one of his arm, playing with Harrison's hair while the other was still wrapped around him tightly. "Just today?"

"I don't know," Harrison said, "Convince me to be nice at other times as well."

Harrison felt a spark of something coming from Tom for a minute, before it was quickly pushed away and Tom moved his arm away from Harrison's back, the other still playing with his hair. "How would one do that?"

"You're doing a pretty damn good job of convincing right now." Harrison admitted and Tom nodded, Harrison felt it more than saw it with the way he was lying. "We should probably get out of bed shouldn't we?" He asked, when Tom didn't say anything back.

"We should've gotten out about an hour ago." Tom said, as he- somehow, gracefully- threw Harrison off him, making Harrison fall onto his, mostly unused, side of the bed.

Tom quickly made up for it by leaning over Harrison and kissing him properly, their mouths moving together slowly, softly. Once Tom pulled back, he smirked down at Harrison, "Good morning, darling." He said and Harrison just pulled him down again, into another kiss.

It was then he realised they probably wouldn't get out of this bed anytime soon, but he didn't mind at all. Not when Tom kept kissing him in such a soft, loving way that made Harrison forget about any and all problems.

His existence was purely focused on Tom today and quite fairly, he didn't mind at all. If Tom wanted to stay here for the rest of the day, he would sent a letter to Sirius saying he couldn't be at the annual Black New Years Party, because Tom had something special planned for his birthday.

And even the thought of the teasing that would get him didn't convince him differently.

Harrison didn't know if he should be glad or sad that Tom seemed to have different plans, because not that much later the man groaned and said, "I have a Death Eater meeting in a bit."

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