Don't question my motives

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Exams are done! I'm happy as hell!

It wasn't that Harrison was nervous for his OWLs, he wasn't, because he had no reason to be. But even Harrison could admit that his stress levels were higher than considered normal right now.

It just wasn't normal, he would be sitting in the written part of the transfiguration exam and he'd look up and suddenly there were shadows everywhere. And then Sirius would notice, raising an eyebrow at him, as if asking if he was sure continuing was the best option right now.

And Harrison would shrug, before reading the second to last question for the tenth time, usually he would've been out of this room already.

He didn't fear his grades, though, which was at least comforting throughout the chaos that were his exams. His magic seems to react as normal in the casting parts, only he would feel it breaking down the shields, slowly flowing out of his body, afterwards. It wasn't an issue. He would be fine, truly.

He also trusted his knowledge enough to not let the figures creep him out enough till the point he wrote down wrong answers.

But Hogwarts magic seemed to respond to his gift, showing him parts of her past everywhere, unquestioned. Any other time, Harrison would've taken the chance to dive into the past of his home, but now he was just starting to get annoyed with the castle.

Harrison handed his papers over to Sirius, before exiting the hall quickly, at least that was the last of it this year. All he had to do was fix this problem over summer. That sounded easy enough.

"And, how'd it go?" Cedric asked, "Took your time."

Harrison rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me you were waiting on me, just to gloat."

Cedric's mouth twitched upwards just slightly and Harrison sighed, "This castle is trying to tell me something, but insists on doing it during tests."

That sobered up Cedric's expression quickly, "What did you see?"

"I have no idea, there were people everywhere. They were just standing there, watching me."

"Guardian angels," Cedric joked, managing to get at least a smile out of Harrison. He rewarded himself for that. "You could use some of those, I bet."

Harrison snorted, "I don't know what those things were, but they are no angels I can tell you that much."

"We'll figure something out." Cedric said then, more seriously. "Literally, call any of us over the summer if you need something. Just- if you-"

Harrison nodded, "Thank you."

"I'm beginning to understand why the Dark Lord marked his Death Eaters, something less obvious would have done, but the direct link to his magic, he could call them anytime, in danger or not."

"I can tell you with certainty, Tom would never call a Death Eater while truly in danger. He used the fact that they saw him as invincible to grow in power." Harrison muttered, "But to answer your question, I'm not marking anyone."

"Could be cool, though, we could all come up with our own design, just magical tattoos connected to your magic." Cedric said, suggested even and Harrison almost truly considered it.

"You're becoming to comfortable in this whole vision of you all. Seeing me as some uprising Dark Lord." Harrison rolled his eyes, as Cedric decided to at least get up from where he was sitting, so they could wark towards the shared common room. "I mean connecting all of you to my magic means endangering you to whatever is currently affecting my magic."

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