"My gift," - "I think it's only fair for me to give you something in return."

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Harrison was laying in the room he had claimed a while ago, just resting, he knew that he would have to do a full ritual later, which on it's own was exhausting.

Someone knocked on his door and Harrison was sure it couldn't have been longer than an hour yet, so why was someone bothering him?

"Harrison?" The door opened, "Lucius asked to talk now, you still want to join us?"

Harrison got up, "Yes, I'm curious what he has to say."

"The night is almost over, don't worry."

"I'm so glad," Harrison said, "I mean the socializing is exhausting."

"Get used to it," Tom said, "You're going to have to do a lot of that when we win this war."

"Stop reminding me," Harrison groaned, while half-pushing Tom out of the room. "Now where's Lucius?"

"He's waiting in my office."

"To your office we go." Harrison said, glad that Tom had decided to let Lucius go there, since it was not too far away from their rooms.

Tom nodded and started leading the way, leaving Harrison to try and catch up with him.

When they entered Tom's office Lucius was sitting there, as soon as he heard the door open he got up and turned to the door, bowing. "My Lord."

"You may stand, Lucius." Tom said and Harrison smirked at the obedience from a man as powerful as Lucius.

When Lucius stood up his eyes drifted to Harrison, Harrison could see Lucius trying to stop himself from asking any questions, instead he just accepted the fact that Tom had invited Harrison, he couldn't do anything about it.

Tom sat down in the chair behind the desk, so Harrison grabbed the only chair left and moved it so that it was standing next to Toms.

"You demanded to talk to me, for which I should really punish you."

Lucius mumbled, "I- I'm sorry, My Lord."

Tom looked at Harrison almost as if asking for permission, Harrison rolled his eyes, but motioned for him to continue. Tom smirked, glad Harrison agreed with him here, then shot a crucio at Lucius.

He stopped pretty quickly, but it did the job of reminding Lucius who was the boss here and that it wasn't him, for sure. Tom made sure to watch Harrison the short time he held the spell, Harrison hadn't shown any sign of being okay with torture before this.

"I've done worse things in my times with Sal, stop worrying."

"Yes he has, the self-made potion was still my favourite." Salazar said from his portrait, "Helga wasn't fond of that one though."

"So you're okay with this." Tom said, "Even after you put all the effort into making me sane again?"

"I'm glad you haven't lost your touch," Harrison joked, "It would seriously be worrying if you stopped this, the Death Eaters would stop listening, they only react out of fear mixed with a twisted kind of respect."

Tom nodded then turned to Lucius, "So what was so urgent you demanded this meeting? You better make this worth my time."

Lucius nodded and didn't waste anymore time before he started explaining, "Dumbledore and his goons have been trying to pass laws, more laws against Dark Creatures."

"We know, they have tried for a while, never succeeded, though." Tom said.

"The worrying thing is that there's someone slowly rising in power, she's been trying harder to pass all these laws." Lucius said, "Her name is Madame Umbridge, right now she's not a big problem, but she could become one."

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