Chamber of Secrets

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Hi! I had barely any time to write this week, so I quickly wrote 2k words in one hour- cause I needed to make this plot point anyways and now I did it in one small chapter instead of a big one mixed with different parts of the storyline :)


Harrison looked at the small engravement of a snake on the tap. This was it, he remembered it quite well.

"Open." He hissed, watching the sinks slowly open into a hole. "Stairs."

The hole changed into one big staircase and just like that, Harrison took his first step down the stairs, it would be the first time he saw the chamber of secrets since he returned to this time.

The way down was a long one, the chamber of secrets was below the lowest parts of the dungeons, below the old prison cells. Below the Slytherin common room. Salazar didn't want anyone to find his chamber if they tried just digging it up.

Entering the way to the actual chamber door was weird, the place was dirty, full of snake shed and other things- like bones. "People really don't know what cleaning is." Harrison muttered to himself, cringing at the sound it made when he took his first step.

He hurried through the cave, hoping that the chamber itself was in an okay shape. Better than this at least.

It didn't take long, after walking for five minutes he stood in front of the big vault door, decorated with snakes, each one having the function of opening up another part of the chamber.

"Open, please."

The snakes hissed, suddenly moving, slithering past each other. It almost took a full minute before the door opened up, revealing the long path leading to the entrance hall of the Chamber of Secrets.

It was decorated differently, with water beside the path, snakes every so many meters, carved into the top of waterfalls. Then when he looked at the front of the Hall, he saw the worst statue ever made.

He knew people said there was a statue of Sal in the chamber, but if this was what they meant, well he was disappointed. It just didn't look right, it didn't do the man justice. Besides, the features were all messed up, the nose was smaller, eyes slightly bigger, and well everything was just not quite right.

"I am so destroying that." Harrison said in disgust, making Ebony pop his head out of Harrisons pocket, "Destroy what?"

"The ugly statue."

Ebony seemed disinterested then, curling up in his enlarged pocket again.

Behind Sal's statue was a wall made to be shaped like a snake's head, the mouth slightly open.

"Speak to me, Slytherin. Greatest of the Hogwarts four." Harrison muttered, knowing that the magic would hear you, no matter how loud you speak. He still thought it was stupid that Sal decided that was the best option for a password, since literally anyone could guess it. Of course, he would never tell the man this to his face.

The snake's mouth opened further, the tongue flicking out once, before showing an empty hallway. The trick was actually getting up there. There were multiple spells and there was also a possibility of parkour. Harrison, decided that spells were the easier option. He tried to imagine himself already standing there, but since apparating didn't really work here, this wouldn't either.

Instead, he slowly floated himself into the mouth.

Everything after that seemed scarily familiar and Harrison knew that the chance that all Sal's heirs found this place was small, close to zero even. He didn't even know how much Tom actually knew about the chambers.

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